Sound Consumer

Dedicated since 1961 to informing and inspiring the PCC community through the co-op’s vision of advancing the health and well-being of people, their neighborhoods and our planet.

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Sound Consumer, September 2019 | Issue No. 552

Sustainable packaging: from petroleum to plants

PCC’s plastics footprint just got a lot lighter. Company-wide, we have switched deli containers from petroleum-based plastic to plant-based compostables, a move we expect will eliminate more than 8 million pieces of petroleum-based plastic a year. It’s a major leap toward our goal of eliminating all petroleum-based plastics from deli packaging by 2022.

PCC’s plastics footprint just got a lot lighter. Company-wide, we have switched deli containers from petroleum-based plastic to plant-based compostables, a move we expect will eliminate more than 8 million pieces of petroleum-based plastic a year. It’s a major leap toward our goal of eliminating all petroleum-based plastics from deli packaging by 2022.

New labels hope to enhance what “organic” can mean

Two new organizations—each one powerful in its own way—are trying to enhance what “organic” can mean. Stringent new certifications are in the works from the Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC) and Real Organic Project (ROP), both meant as add-ons to the existing U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic seal.

Two new organizations—each one powerful in its own way—are trying to enhance what “organic” can mean. Stringent new certifications are in the works from the Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC) and Real Organic Project (ROP), both meant as add-ons to the existing U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic seal.

Green Plate Special serves up food, skills and community

Get acquainted with Green Plate Special, “a hidden gem that deserves not to be so hidden.” The Seattle nonprofit teaches students gardening, cooking—and deeper life lessons—through a powerful program founded by a chef-restaurateur with a degree in child psychology.

Get acquainted with Green Plate Special, “a hidden gem that deserves not to be so hidden.” The Seattle nonprofit teaches students gardening, cooking—and deeper life lessons—through a powerful program founded by a chef-restaurateur with a degree in child psychology.

A cooking fail doesn’t mean you’re a failure in the kitchen

Hsiao-Ching Chou, who teaches popular classes on dumpling-making, shares her recipe for scallion pancakes along with some thoughts on shifting our perspective on “failure” in the kitchen. Chou is the author of the cookbook “Chinese Soul Food.”

Hsiao-Ching Chou, who teaches popular classes on dumpling-making, shares her recipe for scallion pancakes along with some thoughts on shifting our perspective on “failure” in the kitchen. Chou is the author of the cookbook “Chinese Soul Food.”

Should we say goodbye to the school lunch milk carton?

The milk cartons in school lunches lead to a lot of waste in the form of leftover milk and empty cartons. A handful of districts in the Pacific Northwest are trying out “steel cow” bulk milk dispensers instead. If their efforts are duplicated across the country, the environmental benefits could be massive.

The milk cartons in school lunches lead to a lot of waste in the form of leftover milk and empty cartons. A handful of districts in the Pacific Northwest are trying out “steel cow” bulk milk dispensers instead. If their efforts are duplicated across the country, the environmental benefits could be massive.

Introducing PCC’s new community nutrition program manager

Rachel Tefft recently joined PCC as community nutrition program manager. It’s a new position for the co-op, and an unusual one for a grocery retailer. Tefft is a registered dietitian with a background in community-driven approaches to food access.

Rachel Tefft recently joined PCC as community nutrition program manager. It’s a new position for the co-op, and an unusual one for a grocery retailer. Tefft is a registered dietitian with a background in community-driven approaches to food access.

Our co-op community

This quarter, we are proud to award financial grants to an agency working on food access for homeless students and another developing a wetlands park and outdoor classroom. We’re also supporting volunteer naturalists who help teach about the annual salmon migration.

This quarter, we are proud to award financial grants to an agency working on food access for homeless students and another developing a wetlands park and outdoor classroom. We’re also supporting volunteer naturalists who help teach about the annual salmon migration.


Sometimes it can be challenging to find common ground on organic policy and standards. In the aftermath of the spring National Organic Standards Board meeting, though, we were able to identify a success and recognize the value of coming together to make our voices heard.

Sometimes it can be challenging to find common ground on organic policy and standards. In the aftermath of the spring National Organic Standards Board meeting, though, we were able to identify a success and recognize the value of coming together to make our voices heard.

News Bites

Salmon habitat rebuilt  •  Labeling sugars  •  Climate change resilience  •  Wine research projects  •  Chocolate and child labor  •  Bragg sold to investors  •  Are foods over-sweetened?  •  High-risk foods list  •  Organic pioneers honored  •  Comparing pesticide use  •  U.S. organic sales rise

Salmon habitat rebuilt  •  Labeling sugars  •  Climate change resilience  •  Wine research projects  •  Chocolate and child labor  •  Bragg sold to investors  •  Are foods over-sweetened?  •  High-risk foods list  •  Organic pioneers honored  •  Comparing pesticide use  •  U.S. organic sales rise

Letters to the editor

Supporting regenerative farming  •  Trimming food prices?  •  Chickens and chlorine

Supporting regenerative farming  •  Trimming food prices?  •  Chickens and chlorine

Sound Consumer, September 2019 | Issue No. 552