General Membership

Q: What are the benefits of membership?

A: As a PCC member-owner, you are part of a like-minded community who align with the co-op’s vision to inspire and advance the health and well-being of people, their communities and the planet. For a one-time fee of $60, members receive special offers emailed periodically, access to member-only events, discounts from like-minded businesses across Western Washington, the potential to earn an annual dividend, an annual discount for an online cooking class and the opportunity to have a voice in PCC’s leadership by voting in the annual election, which determines the PCC Board of Trustees. 

Q: How much does a PCC membership cost?

A: A lifetime membership costs a one-time fee of $60. Membership must be in the name of one individual only and is nontransferable. Other persons living in your household may use your membership card to shop at PCC, but joint accounts or accounts under multiple names are not allowed. 

Q: Is my membership fee refundable?

A: $60 membership fees paid before January 1, 2020 are refundable. The fee for memberships created on or after January 1, 2020 are not refundable. 

Q: How do I get a replacement membership card?

A: You can request a replacement card through the membership section of your online account. Don’t have an online account linked to your membership? Check out these instructions on how to set up your online account. You may also request a replacement card by emailing Replacement cards can be requested a total of two (2) times per year. 

Q: How do I set up my PCC web account with my membership?

A: To create a PCC web account, link your web account with your membership, update your member account information and more, see detailed instructions here. 

Q: Why is it recommended that I link my PCC web account to my membership? 

A:  Members-owners can utilize their linked PCC web accounts to see activated and redeemed members-only offers, RSVP for member-only events, request replacement member cards, and view other information related to their membership. You can also update contact information and, email subscriptions, link PCC e-gift cards and save recipes for later.


Members-only Offers

Q: How do I find out about members-only offers?

A: To get notified of members-only offers, you must be subscribed to our Member Communications & Offers email list — you will receive emails alerting you to each offer that is ready to activate. To ensure these emails aren’t caught in your spam filter, please add to your safe senders list. 

Please note that if you unsubscribe from any PCC emails, you will stop receiving ALL marketing materials from PCC, including member communications. 

If you do not have an email address or do not wish to receive emails, you can activate your offer in-store. Simply ask the cashier to activate the current members-only offer after presenting them with your member card or the phone number associated with your membership.

Q: What if I forget to redeem my offer by the expiration date? Can you still honor it?

A: We can only honor offers during the period in which they are valid.


Members-Only Events

Q: How can I find out about members-only events?

A: Members can learn about upcoming events on our website and by subscribing to the Member Communications & Offers email list to receive invitations.

Q: How do I register for members-only events?

A: You can register for members-only events here.

Q: Can I bring nonmember guests with me to the members-only events?

A: We limit the number of people allowed per membership at each event to allow as many member-owners as possible to participate. Look to the details of each event to find out if space is available for you and a nonmember guest. Only the number of guests who are RSVP’d will be allowed. 


Partner Discounts

Q: How can I take advantage of PCC Partner Program discounts?
A: Present your PCC member card at time of purchase (unless otherwise noted) at one of our partners.


Cooking Classes

Q: Does the purchase of a PCC Cooking Class count toward a potential annual dividend

A: Yes.


Potential Dividend

Q: What is the potential PCC member-owner dividend?

A: PCC member-owners are eligible to earn a potential annual dividend if the co-op is profitable. This dividend is a sum of money that could be paid to active members out of the profit — or net income — the co-op makes specifically from member purchases. Each year, the PCC Board of Trustees determines if a dividend will be issued for the prior fiscal year, and if so, the size of the dividend, based on the co-op’s financial results and the needs of the business. Any dividend declared by the Board of Trustees is calculated as a percentage of total member eligible purchases, and the same percentage applies to each member’s individual eligible purchases.



Q: What is the earning period for the potential dividend?

A: The earning period for the potential dividend begins January 1 and runs through the end of the calendar year on December 31.

Q: Besides my grocery purchases at PCC, what else contributes to a potential dividend?

A: Qualifying purchases made in-store, purchases made through select delivery partners and purchases of PCC cooking classes are eligible for the potential dividend. The following do not count toward the dividend: purchases of SCRIP or gift cards, including gift card reloads and e-gift cards; purchases made with EBT; the one-time PCC membership fee; bag charges; sales tax or other taxes; bottle deposits; donations, including round-up amounts; stamps; online delivery service fees, (including membership, tips or other fees); online purchases made with DoorDash; and purchases made with a dividend. 

Q: How do I connect my PCC membership with my delivery account to ensure those purchases go toward my potential dividend?

A: To start earning toward a potential annual dividend on delivery purchases, follow our step-by-step guide for connecting your account.

Q: Can I use my dividend on delivery purchases?

A: While members can earn toward their dividend by shopping with some of our delivery partners, the dividend cannot be used to pay for shopping through a delivery account.

Q: Do EBT purchases earn toward a potential dividend?

A: Unfortunately, at this time purchases made with EBT payment cards are not eligible for dividends. We are actively working to find a solution.



Q: How is the dividend amount determined?

A: PCC member-owners are eligible to earn a potential annual dividend. This dividend is a sum of money that could be paid to active members out of the profit (or net income) the co-op makes specifically from member purchases. Each year, the PCC Board of Trustees determines if a dividend will be issued for the prior fiscal year, and if so, the size of the dividend, based on the co-op’s financial results and the needs of the business.

Q: When will the dividend be available?

A: The PCC Board of Trustees determines if a dividend will be issued for each fiscal year based on the co-op’s financial results and the financial needs of the business. If a dividend is issued, it would generally be in the second quarter of the following year. PCC dividends are only issued to active PCC members. 

Q: Could there be a year with no dividends? 

A: Yes, it is possible. In a year where there is a decline in member net income, or an increase in co-op costs that reduces member net income, the Board of Trustees may determine that there is not enough member net income to declare a dividend, that the dividend should be small, or that it would be prudent for the Board to reduce the amount of or eliminate the dividend to establish a reserve to cover future potential operating costs. PCC will always communicate the final dividend outcome with full transparency. 

Q: How do I confirm if I qualify for the dividend?

A: You can log into your member account on the PCC website. Members who’ve subscribed to member emails will also get an email notification if a dividend is declared. 

Q: Why does it take so long to get the dividend paid out?

The payment of a dividend is a major financial decision for the PCC Board of Trustees and the process requires a thorough analysis of the co-op’s annual financials and budgets for the upcoming year. For the Board of Trustees to complete this analysis, PCC’s fiscal year must end, its year-end financial statements must be completed, and PCC’s independent auditors must confirm those financial statements. This process takes several months following the end of the year. The timing for paying out any potential dividend is based on this schedule. 

Q: Does the member dividend expire?

A: Yes. Any dividend received by members is valid through the end of the year following the year in which the dividend is issued (e.g. for a dividend issued April 25, 2021, the dividend expires December 31, 2023).

Q: Can other members of my family or household redeem my dividend?

A: No. Dividends earned on your account can only be used by you, even if other family members used your membership number when making purchases at PCC.

Q: How can I track my dividend?

A: Dividend amounts are displayed until they expire on your PCC web account under “MEMBERSHIP.” This information can also be accessed in-store by scanning your membership card or providing the phone number associated with your membership at checkout. 

Q: Can I view all my receipts and transactions for the year?

A: No. If you receive a dividend, you will see the total dividend amount in your account. When you use your dividend, your account will be updated and you can track what you have remaining.

Q: Can a cashier print off all my transactions for a given year?

A: No. It is not possible to provide your transactions from a given year. If a dividend has been declared, a summary of your total qualifying dividend spend will be available by logging into your PCC web account under “MEMBERSHIP.”

Q: Can I purchase a gift card with my dividend?

A: No. Gift cards are not eligible for purchase with your dividend.

Q: Can I use my dividend on delivery purchases?

A: While members can earn toward their dividend by shopping with some of our delivery partners, the dividend cannot be used to pay for purchases through a delivery account. 

Q: Can I donate my dividend?

A: No. It is not possible for your dividend to be donated at this time.

Q: I don’t have email. Will I still get a dividend?

A: Yes. While PCC is only communicating to its members through email regarding their dividend, if dividends have been issued, you will be made aware when you shop in store. At that time, you will be able to ask the cashier about any available dividend amount tied to your membership.

Q: What happens if I forgot to give my membership number on a previous purchase?

A: If you forget to identify as a member when you make a purchase, you have 30 days to bring the receipt in store to have the purchase credited to your member account. Purchases made before you were an active PCC member, or more than 30 days old, cannot be applied to your member account.

Q: How do returns affect my dividend?

A: Returns are deducted from your eligible dividend earnings balance.

Q: Why am I not getting a dividend payout?

A: The dividend is a benefit reserved for members fully paid and active when it is declared. If a dividend is declared, the following members are not eligible to receive one: 

  • Partially Paid Members: Members who have not fully paid their membership fee are deemed inactive and will need to pay in full to begin receiving dividends and other member benefits. 
  • Resigned Members: Any member who resigns their membership before the dividend is declared is not eligible for a dividend. 
  • Inactive Members: If a membership has not been used in 12 months, the member is deemed inactive and they are not eligible for the dividend. 

Q: What happens to the dividend if a member passes away?

A: If a member passes away after a dividend is declared, PCC will automatically change the legal name on the account to “The Estate of [the member’s name]” and any dividends on the account will be sent by a check to the estate. If a member dies before a dividend is declared, no payout will go to the estate.



Q: Why is there no 2023 dividend?

In keeping with the co-op’s bylaws, any potential patronage dividend paid to members must come from net income generated by sales to members. The Board of Trustees then determines if a dividend can be issued for each year based on the co-op’s financial results and the needs of the business. For 2023, the co-op reported an operating loss, and therefore there was no member net income available from which a dividend could have potentially been approved. 

The ability to earn a dividend is just one benefit of PCC’s lifetime membership of $60. During the year, the co-op was pleased to provide members with access to exclusive events, discounts at partner businesses, and free and discounted products totaling over $250 in value for each member. 

Q: Why did the co-op report an operating loss for 2023?

In 2023, we made the difficult decision to close our Downtown Seattle store. Despite an amazing team, fantastic store conditions, and a supportive landlord, Downtown PCC remained unprofitable due to lower sales performance at the store attributable in part to post-COVID declines in downtown office population and smaller baskets shopped during the lunch traffic. Continued losses at that store were not sustainable for the long-term financial health of the co-op.  

The co-op’s overall profitability was also impacted by some of our stores that opened in recent years. New grocery stores typically operate at a loss in the first few years as sales grow and staff hours stabilize. We expect these newer stores to achieve a positive operating income in the next few years.  

Due to the unprofitable results, our Board of Trustees determined that there will be no patronage dividend paid to members for 2023. We are disappointed, as I imagine you are as well. We know the potential for a dividend is a benefit that many members look forward to and are sorry that we are unable to acknowledge your support in this way.  

Q: Didn’t PCC earn millions of dollars in 2023?

A: No. It is confusing to see that the co-op posted $436.5 million in net sales in 2023 because our operating expenses outpaced sales. Throughout the year, we continued to see sales momentum in response to many initiatives aimed at stimulating growth; however, our overall sales growth for 2023 fell short of expectations. While the overall number of shopping trips in 2023 increased, fewer items were purchased per shopping trip, leading to an overall decline in unit sales and lower than expected net sales. 

Q: I see in Part One of the 2023 Co-op Purpose Report that PCC gave money to the community in the form of grants and sponsorships. Why wasn’t that money used for the dividend? 

A: Doing good in our communities by serving our neighbors is at the heart of our mission and values. We know that our member-owners share our commitment to investing in the health of our communities. The work outlined in the 2023 Co-op Purpose Report reflects our collective participation to support our region’s food systems while also putting delicious, peak-season food on the table. The amount of money that PCC uses for these community grants and sponsorships is a very small fraction of what would be needed to pay a meaningful dividend to our 114,000 active member-owners. 

Q: Will there be a dividend next year?

A: For each year, decisions about dividends can only be made following the annual financial audit. In addition to PCC Meet and Greets for members, PCC’s CEO Krish is committed to sharing regular updates to keep you informed of relevant co-op news, including our financial and business performance, in his quarterly emails to member-owners.

Q: What are you doing to provide value to current and future members of the co-op?

A: PCC’s membership program provides access for member-owners to free or discounted product offers, events and partner discounts from a selection of local, like-minded businesses, as well as the potential opportunity to receive a dividend when the co-op is profitable. During the last year, PCC made available over 30 member-only offers on quality seasonal products that represented a potential of $250 in savings to each member — four times the cost of our lifetime $60 membership fee (if members redeemed every offer). Our members realized an aggregate of $3.4 million in savings from offer redemptions in 2023.   


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