Social Justice
PCC Natural Markets is committed to being a positive force in the lives of people who work in our supply chain. We will not tolerate child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, abuse or harassment. We expect employers and vendors meet or exceed legal requirements for labor practices, worker health and safety, and housing. — Adopted June 8, 2015
February 3, 2016 — Regarding Driscoll’s berries
PCC stopped carrying Sakuma berries more than two years ago. We also do not sell berries from Mexico’s San Quintin Valley because of the evidence supporting that choice.
January 20, 2016 — Comments on Agricultural Justice Project standards
PCC is pleased for the opportunity to comment on AJP standards, open for comment once every five years.
December 15, 2015 — Choose organic, fair trade apparel
For more than a decade, PCC buyers have looked for accessories and apparel made from certified organic fibers and produced with fair labor practices.
February 2015 — Choose ethical chocolate to relieve farmer poverty
The Fairness Gap: Farmer Income and Root Cause Solutions to Ending Child Labor in the Cocoa Industry” report findings, based on field research from the International Labor Rights Forum in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.
October 2013 — By famers, for farmers: the SPP Co-op logo
The first farmer-owned, farmer-run fair trade certification guarantees the coffee comes from small farms.
June 2013 — Choose organic, fair labor sugar: for the health of worker
Scientists believe work conditions and exposure to agrichemicals are causing a deadly kidney disease in sugar cane field workers.
April 2013 — New PCC standard: chocolate must be fair labor
From now on, PCC will sell chocolate candy confections and cocoa powders only from vendors that provide assurance that child slave labor is prohibited and follow International Labor Organization Fundamental Conventions.
July 15, 2012 — Consumer-owned grocery retailers call on Hershey to address child slave labor in cocoa
Shared co-operative grocers’ letter to Hershey’s, stating concerns about its lack of commitment to avoid cacao harvested by child slave labor
April 26, 2012 — Slave labor in the cocoa industry
Joined co-operative grocers’ letter to Hershey’s, stating concerns about its lack of commitment to avoid cacao harvested by child slave labor
January 2012 — Systemic exploitation of farm workers
Farm workers have no federally protected right to bargain collectively, since being cut out of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935.
May 10, 2011 — Concentration and consolidation in the food industry
March 31, 2011 — Concentration and consolidation in the food industry
Signed on to Rural Advancement Foundation International’s (RAFI-USA) letter to the Department of Justice and Department of Agriculture urging them to issue a report on the impacts of concentration and consolidation in the food industry.
February 2011 — Changes in fair labor certifications
Numerous fair labor and fair trade programs and certifications have emerged, with varying standards.
December 21, 2009 — Concentration and consolidation in the food industry
January 19, 2009 — Endorsing IAASTD
Urges the Obama administration to support the findings from 58 countries on hunger, poverty, agriculture, power and influence.
August 2008 — Social and environmental issues with shrimp farming
Foreign shrimp farms are associated with environmental destruction, human rights abuses, and displacement to indigenous livelihoods.
August 2008 — The Hands that Feed Us: working for farm worker justice
Addresses the H2-A contract worker concerns raised by the Familias Unidas farm workers at Sakuma.
May 2006 — Fair labor bananas
The practices and people behind the GROW banana label at PCC Natural Markets.
February 2006 — The taint of child slave labor
70 percent of the world’s cocoa is from West Africa, where reports describe children working long hours with no pay and little food or sleep. Some were beaten severely and locked up at night.
October 2005 — Fair trade coffee: the view from a mountaintop village
A fair trade logo significantly improved the lives of the producers in the Sierra Madre mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico.
July 27, 2005 — Competition and consolidation
Sign-on letter to U.S. House and Senate committees re: unfair competition and consolidation in agriculture.
August 27, 2004 — United Farm Workers v. Gallo
Farm workers deserve parity with other employees.
May 2001 — Fair trade tea and coffee
TransFair USA recognizes PCC Greenlake for selling more fair-trade Equal Exchange coffee than any other grocer in the trade area.