Super seeds

This article was originally published in June 2015

super seeds

Wonderful sources of protein, fiber and healthy fats, seeds pack a ton of nutritional punch for their miniscule size. Stop by our bulk department for a wide selection of seeds, and buy just the amount you need.

Chia seeds

Part of the mint family, chia seeds provide a full day’s worth of omega-3s. In fact, “chia” is the Mayan word for “strength.” Use these tiny, nutrient-dense seeds in our recipe for Berry Cobbler Overnight Oatmeal. What you’ll find in bulk: organic black chia seeds; organic white chia seeds

Flax seeds

Another powerhouse of omega-3s, flax seeds offer a fantastic amount of antioxidants. Grind them at home in a coffee or spice grinder and add them to smoothies or cereal. Or use them in our recipe for Simple Whole Grain and Flax Quick Bread. What you’ll find in bulk: organic flax seeds; organic golden flax seeds

Pumpkin seeds

Also called “pepitas,” pumpkin seeds contain a perfect mix of heart-healthy, unsaturated fatty acids as well as plant sterols. Add them to granola or make Pumpkin Seed Pesto. What you’ll find in bulk: organic raw pumpkin seeds; raw Oregon pumpkin seeds; organic spicy pumpkin seeds; organic tamari pumpkin seeds

Sesame seeds

Considered one of the oldest condiments, sesame seeds add a nutty taste and delicate texture to all kinds of dishes. Plus they’re great sources of copper, manganese and fiber. Mix them into stir-fries or make PCC Sesame Quinoa with Edamame. What you’ll find in bulk: organic brown sesame seeds; organic white sesame seeds

Sunflower seeds

The fruit of the sunflower, sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin
E and also contain magnesium and selenium. Check out our recipe for PCC Rainbow Salad, which uses a whopping two cups. What you’ll find in bulk: organic raw sunflower seeds; roasted, salted sunflower seeds; organic tamari sunflower seeds

Make our Super Seed Cookie

These cookies are a special treat chock-full of pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and flax seeds; plus oats, currants and almonds. Get the recipe »

Related reading

Go nuts for vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant: It prevents food from turning rancid and protects our cells from oxidative damage, which contributes to inflammation and chronic diseases. Vitamin E supplements often are taken to maintain heart health but many of these supplements are synthetic and not as beneficial as the natural vitamin E found in foods.