What to do in May

This article was originally published in May 2011


May in the Northwest is a month of highs and lows, a first breath of summertime often tempered by rain just as we head out the door to picnic, camp, garden, run and play. May is a world in bloom, petals adrift, leaves unfurled. It’s time to dust off the grill, pull out your sun hat and find your sandals: Summer’s on its way.

Celebrate Mom

Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8. Planning a simple brunch at home? Don’t forget to explore our recipe database for inspiration.
Get started »

Time for Angel Food Cake

It’s all-natural, moist, fluffy and fragrant: We’re talking Angel Food Cake baked fresh by the PCC Bakery. Our cakes truly are angelic, baked with egg whites from cage-free hens and organic unbleached flour. Get yours in chocolate or vanilla. Top thick slices with fresh berries and Devonshire cream, pair them with decadent local ice cream and frozen custard from Snoqualmie Gourmet (French Lavender or Lemon custard are heavenly), or just enjoy it plain and simple.

Coming into season

Organic seedless grapes from Mexico and California; organic melons (watermelon, Galia, honeydew, Tuscan and more from Mexico); organic yellow peaches from Mexico. Learn more about the organic produce we source from Mexico with this story from the Sound Consumer.

Many local and organic fruits and vegetables are nearing harvest. Find out when by exploring our Seasonal Produce Chart.

Last chance

For organic winter citrus including navels, blood oranges, Texas Rio grapefruit and Minneola tangelos.

Related reading

Roaming Washington

Take a road trip to some of PCC's great local producers.

Chatterbox for May

Hot topics from our social media pages