Master the omelet

This article was originally published in February 2016

Mastering this technique means you’ll always be able to whip up an impressive brunch at home or cook up a quick dinner out of a few leftover scraps in the fridge.

1. Use the right pan

Use a pan with a nonstick surface. It’s hard to go wrong with well-seasoned and durable carbon steel. Either a low-sided omelet pan or a small skillet is fine.

2. Beat the eggs

Two large eggs per person is just right. Crack them into a bowl and whisk until you have a bowl of completely uniform pale yellow eggs.

3. Cook and season

Thoroughly preheat your pan on medium-low. A pat of butter in the pan should melt, not sizzle. When the butter just bubbles, add the eggs and season with salt and pepper. Gently lift the edges with a spatula while tipping the pan so the omelet cooks evenly. Slow, even cooking is key; it can take up to three minutes.

4. Fill ‘er up

When the edges look crisp, the bottom is firm and the top is a bit wet, remove from the heat and let sit for one minute. Sprinkle cheese down the center, and add any warmed fillings you like, like roasted red peppers, sautéed mushrooms or chopped ham.

5. Roll and plate

Use the spatula to lift one edge of the omelet over the fillings, then lift the opposite edge on top of that, like a letter. Slide the omelet onto a plate and sprinkle on chopped herbs.


Santorini style

Crumbled feta, Minced tarragon, Sautéed spinach

Tex mex style

Pepperjack, Crumbled chorizo, Bonache Hatch chile sauce

Seattle style

Fresh chèvre, Smoked salmon, Minced scallions

New Orleans style

Pink shrimp, Sautéed green peppers, Monterey Jack

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