Community grant: Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust

This article was originally published in March 2015

Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust

Pictured above: Anne Becker of Cherry Valley Dairy and Jack, a resident of Cherry Valley.

We’re excited to announce that our first Community Grant of 2015 has been awarded to Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust. This organization leads and inspires action to conserve and enhance the landscape from the Puget Sound to the Central Washington region, ensuring a long-term balance between people and nature.

Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust

Pictured [l-r]: Celeste Coxen, Issaquah PCC Store Director, and Jennifer McKeown, Snoqualmie Program Manager for Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust.

It focuses on supporting farmers and increasing awareness surrounding the importance of local food. The trust recently launched a program that takes culinary students and chefs to local farms to educate them about the importance of local products and to show them the opportunities they have to use these products. Many schools and groups don’t have the funds to participate in these tours. Our grant will help cover the cost to coordinate these tours as well as the cost of transportation for the tours.

Behind the scenes

Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust invited PCC to go on a tour similar to the one students go on through the trust’s program. Claudia Lewis, PCC Community Relations Specialist, and Celeste Coxen, Issaquah PCC Store Director joined Snoqualmie Program Manager Jennifer McKeown at Cherry Valley Dairy in Duvall, Wash. There, Anne Becker of Cherry Valley led them around, introducing them to the stars of the dairy.

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