Chatterbox for November

by Karen Gaudette

This article was originally published in November 2011


As we fling ourselves into this month of giving thanks and eating plenty, remember that PCC staff is ready to answer your holiday questions via Facebook and Twitter as well as in person at any of our nine stores.

On the hunt for a recipe you can’t quite recall? An heirloom turkey? Gluten-free bread for your stuffing? As always, we’ve got you covered at or

Take Brussels sprouts. Several shoppers asked last year via Twitter how to prepare those little green gems so that even picky eaters would savor them. We have 10 great suggestions right here in our recipe database. Search with your favorite (or challenging) ingredient to find inspiration for your feast!

For those wondering which flours you’ll find at PCC (and many do) here’s a sampling: whole wheat, rice, soft whole wheat pastry, whole barley, whole brown rice, whole rye, whole yellow cornmeal and whole spelt, to name a few.

Our gluten-free database helps many shoppers track down key ingredients.

Visit our store locations to easily find your store’s holiday hours.

Stumped on a great wine pairing for your turkey or Field Roast? Ask the experts on our PCC Wine Facebook page.

Search our bulk foods database to find out which culinary herbs, spices, flours and other holiday needs we carry in bulk, available by the pinch or the pound.

Remember to check in to PCC on Foursquare and Facebook throughout the holiday season. Every third check-in earns you a holiday treat!

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