PCC Board of Trustees

This article was originally published in July 2019

2018 PCC Board of Trustees (pictured left to right); Sandy Voit, Catherine Walker, Alice Cho Snyder, Brad Brown, Bruce Williams, Elin Smith, Tania DePue, Stephen Tan, Michael Hutchings, Ben Klasky.

2018 PCC Board of Trustees (pictured left to right); Sandy Voit, Catherine Walker, Alice Cho Snyder, Brad Brown, Bruce Williams, Elin Smith, Tania DePue, Stephen Tan, Michael Hutchings, Ben Klasky.

May board meeting

The Board of Trustees met on May 1, 2019. At this meeting, CEO Cate Hardy reported on PCC’s achievements in the past quarter, including progress related to the co-op’s social and environmental bottom lines. CFO Krish Srinivasan provided a report on PCC’s financial performance for the first quarter. Management provided a presentation on merchandising strategies and tactics and an update on the new stores under construction. The Board heard reports from the Governance and Membership, Audit and Finance, Social and Environmental, and Management Development and Compensation Committees. The Board approved the slate of PCC officers and appointed Catherine Walker as the Board chair for the 2019-20 year. After significant discussion regarding the desire of PCC’s full Board to be more educated on and involved in decisions regarding PCC’s social and environmental activities, the Board approved a resolution to dissolve the Social and Environmental Committee as a standing committee of the Board and move its responsibilities to the full Board to provide greater focus on and visibility to social and environmental policies and practices.

Next board meeting

The Board of Trustees generally meets four times per year. Board committees meet more frequently, with the number of meetings depending on the committee. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for July 24, 2019.

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