DIY skin care

This article was originally published in September 2013

Help your skin recover from the heat and sun of summer with simple concoctions made with pure ingredients that exfoliate, nourish and replenish. Look in PCC’s bulk bins for rolled oats, salt, sugar and other natural beauty staples and in our health and body care department for essential oils, clay and more.


Ingredients for revival

Find quality ingredients for an all-natural beauty regimen throughout PCC in our bulk section, grocery aisles and health and body care department.

Bulk olive oil

Take home just the amount you need of unrefined extra virgin olive oil, an ideal moisturizer in body scrubs.

Bulk rolled oats

Oatmeal is naturally soothing as it hydrates and softens skin. We carry organic or conventional rolled oats.

Bulk sugar and salt

Take home just enough white or brown sugar for your body scrub recipes. We also carry bulk sea salt.

Redmond Clay

Try this healing bentonite clay as an anti-aging mask to detoxify the skin (tip: it also soothes insect bites, bruises and rashes).

Aura Cacia essential oil

Choose from sweet orange, lavender, peppermint and many other scents to add to your concoctions and help stimulate your senses.


Recipes to try

Related reading


This antioxidant protects against prostate cancer, bone loss and heart disease risk factors.