Board Report, January 2018

This article was originally published in January 2018

PCC Board of Trustees

December Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees met on December 6, 2017 and devoted much of the meeting to the review of managements’ proposed 2018 Business Plan and Operating Budget. After an in-depth discussion of the key elements that drove managements’ planning, as well as management addressing Trustees’ questions, the Board approved the plan. The board heard brief reports from its Audit and Finance, Governance and Membership, and Social & Environmental Committees. The Social & Environmental Committee provided an update on PCC’s Social & Environmental Programs and Initiatives, and the publication of the 2016 Co-op Purposes Report, which members can find on our website here. CEO, Cate Hardy, reported on financials and co-op wide projects and initiatives.

The next Board report will be in the March 2018 Sound Consumer.

2018 Annual Members’ Meeting & Key Election Dates

Also during the December 6 board meeting, trustees set the following 2018 governance dates:

  • To be eligible to vote in the 2018 election or on matters at the Annual Members’ Meeting, you must be an active PCC member as of February 1, 2018.
  • This year, PCC will offer online voting to members. Expect more information on how to vote online in future editions of the Sound Consumer.
  • Voting online, in-store, or by mail, will begin on April 27, 2018 and end on May 30, 2018. Ballots can also be submitted in person at the Annual Members’ Meeting.
  • PCC’s Annual Members’ Meeting will be on June 6, 2018.

Communicating with the Board

PCC’s Board of Trustees is elected to represent the interests of co-op’s members. Hearing from members enhances the governance and ongoing betterment of the cooperative. Members may attend the Annual Members’ Meeting or communicate with the Board of Trustees by transmitting correspondence by email ( or postal mail:

PCC Co-op Office

3131 Elliott Avenue, Suite 500

Seattle, WA 98121

A designated PCC staff member will, as he or she deems appropriate, forward communication to our Board of Trustees or to any individual Trustee, or committee of our Board of Trustees to whom the communication is directed.

Next Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees generally meets four times per year. Board committees meet more frequently, with the number of meetings depending on the committee. The next board meeting will be on March 8, 2018.

Also in this issue

Citrus and Cider

It is citrus season! Look for our best sellers, the Heirloom Navel orange and the Texas Rio grapefruit. Or try some new and different varieties. We are also highlighting our exclusive cider this January, created through a special partnership with Schilling Cider.

Organic certification of hydroponics continues

In a controversial meeting the National Organic Program (NOP) failed to pass a ban that would limit hydroponics from organic certification, causing concern in the organic community.

PCC's GE Labeling Update

One of our longstanding commitments is that PCC will identify genetically engineered (GE) products in our stores by 2018. This is still our goal, yet, there have been legislative setbacks around transparency and customer education at the federal level.