PCC Board of Trustees report, May 2017

This article was originally published in May 2017

Board of Trustees

The board met on March 28. The 2016 audit with financials was presented to the board. The Board Development, Finance and Member Relations committees updated the board on their work to date and the board approved a new Privacy Policy. In addition, management presented its annual report to the board on the actions it took in 2016 to direct operations in compliance with PCC’s Ends Policies.

Next board meeting

The next board meeting will be on Tuesday, May 30, at 3:30 p.m. at the PCC Co-op Office: 3131 Elliott Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98121. The member comment period is during the first 10 minutes of the meeting and comments are limited to three minutes unless a longer presentation is previously approved by the board chair. For agenda planning, please email us at board@pccmarkets.com if you plan to attend.

2017 board election

This year’s election has begun! Mail-in ballots must be received at the PCC office by 5 p.m. on June 7. In-store voting is permitted until each store’s close of business on June 7.

  • The election guide insert in this issue of your Sound Consumer contains your ballot, biographical information and campaign statements from each candidate, as well as candidate Q&A designed to prepare you for your voting decisions. The trustee candidates are Ben Klasky, Stephen Tan and Bruce Williams.
  • Look also for statements from the Nominating Committee candidates. They are Janet Hietter, Sara Janus, Don Nordness and John Sheller.
  • The election materials, including brief videos of each trustee candidate, are available here. You’ll be able to see and hear the candidates for the board of trustees talk about why they’re running.
  • Meet the candidates in-person on Sunday, May 7, at our Issaquah store from 10 a.m. to noon or at our Greenlake Village store from 1 to 3 p.m.

2017 Annual Members’ Business Meeting

June 13, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Join us for the annual members’ business meeting. For this year’s meeting, you’ll hear about the state of the co-op, ask questions and meet the 2017 election candidates! Light PCC dessert bites and beverages will be provided. Please plan to arrive early to check in between 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The Swedish Club

Stockholm Meeting Room | Lower Level

1920 Dexter Avenue N., Seattle, WA 98109

Member Registration opens April 28 and closes June 2. Additional details including how to register, directions, bus routes and parking can be found here.

Meeting Program

6:30 to 8 p.m.

State of the co-op

  • Message from the CEO
  • Message from the Board Chair

Member Q&A

8 p.m.

Mingle and meet the election candidates and current board members.

Also in this issue

Soil & Sea: reports from our producers

Grass-fed beef sales are growing at an annual rate of 25 to 30 percent. Sales of grass-fed yogurt and kefir have in the last year increased by more than 38 percent, compared with a drop of just under 1 percent in the total yogurt and kefir market, according to natural and organic market research company SPINS.

PCC's Annual Members' Business Meeting

Hear about the state of the co-op, ask questions, and meet the 2017 election candidates! Light PCC dessert bites and beverages will be provided. The meeting will be held at The Swedish Club June 13.

More accolades for the Mediterranean Diet

There benefits of a plant-based, high-fat Mediterranean Diet go well beyond nutrition — they extend to our planet and cultural heritage as well.