PCC Board of Trustees report, January 2017

This article was originally published in January 2017

November board meeting

At the November 29 board meeting, trustees devoted much of the meeting to a discussion of management’s proposed 2017 budget and business plan. After a thorough discussion of the assumptions that drove management’s planning, as well as management addressing the trustees’ probing questions, the board approved the 2017 budget and business plan.

The Finance Committee reported on its positive review of third-quarter financials.

The Member Relations Committee recommended, and the board approved, the 2017 governance dates. To be eligible to vote in the 2017 election, you must be an active PCC member as of March 27, 2017. Voting will begin on April 28, 2017 and continue until close of business on June 7, 2017. Ballot counting will begin on June 12. The board also approved June 13, 2017 as the date of PCC’s annual meeting.

The board voted to appoint current trustee, Michael Hutchings, to Vice Chair of the board for the remainder of the 2016–2017 board year. The board also voted to appoint Catherine Walker to the board. Catherine is the first appointee that the board has made under the new bylaws, which allow the board to appoint up to two individuals whose term “begins on the effective date of his or her appointment and ends on the date on which the voting results are determined for the next annual meeting held after his or her appointment.”

2017–2018 Board of Trustees applicant slate

2016–2017 PCC Nominating Committee

Pictured (l-r) 2016–2017 PCC Nominating Committee Mary Simon, Jason Filippini, Janet Hietter, Sara Walsh.

The trustee application deadline for the 2017–2018 board year was December 2, 2016. The Nominating Committee was scheduled to interview trustee applicants in mid-December. Following interviews and reference checks, the committee will present a slate of candidates to PCC members.

Next board meeting

There was no board meeting in December. The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. at the PCC Co-Op Office: 3131 Elliott Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98121.

The member comment period is during the first 10 minutes of the meeting and comments are limited to three minutes unless additional time is previously approved by the board chair.

For agenda planning, please email us at board@pccmarkets.com if you plan to attend.

Contact the Board of Trustees

Email us at board@pccmarkets.com. Postal mail should go to the Co-op Office.

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