PCC Board of Trustees report, November 2015

This article was originally published in November 2015

Get to know your trustees

Michael Hutchings

Michael Hutchings. First term (first year). Term ends in 2018.

This is the first in a series of occasional articles on our current board trustees.

“I am passionate about businesses that combine profitability with a broader social purpose or mission and I want to help PCC become the model sustainable business. I believe PCC has the opportunity to capitalize on its mission-driven purpose, its cooperative structure, and the increasing public awareness of the benefits of healthy food and sustainable agriculture. I want to help PCC and its members be in a position to influence the nation’s discourse on these ideals, including through a greater ability to donate to sustainability causes and by projecting its mission and ideals to a broader audience. I also want to ensure that as PCC grows it keeps its roots firmly planted in the values and tradition that have made PCC what it is now.”

Michael is a business and social purpose attorney who is a partner at DLA Piper. “My legal practice consists of advising boards of directors and management of companies. I work with consumer cooperatives on governance and business issues.”

On our board, Michael serves on the Board Development and Member Relations committees, as well as the Bylaws Task Force.

Board report

At the September 29 board meeting, the nominating committee reported on its work to date. Mary Simon has been selected to serve as the 2015-2016 chair. The deadline for board and nominating committee applications is December 7. Interviews will take place in early January.

The Bylaws Task Force updated the board. Lucas reported that the committee has developed a project timeline and is nearly ready to present a draft bylaws document to the board for discussion. They are trying to set a retreat date for some time in the next few months to review and discuss the proposed changes. (See “Bylaws update — Questions?” on this page).

Each of the four standing committees — Board Development, CEO Evaluation, Finance, and Member Relations ­­— presented their 2015-2016 work plans, which were approved by the board.

The Board Development committee is working to refine the board job description and is generating a document that outlines desired trustee attributes, which will be shared with the nominating committee and with potential applicants.

One element of the Member Relations Committee’s work plan is setting the agenda for the annual meeting. The committee proposed a new format for the meeting that will give many more members and staff access to the meeting and opportunities to meet the board candidates. The board approved the new format idea and asked staff to proceed with planning. At the November board meeting, the board will consider a proposal with more details and will vote to set the governance dates.

Bylaws update — Questions?

The board’s Bylaws Task Force continues work on a thorough review and rejuvenation of PCC’s bylaws, which last underwent a comprehensive update in 2003. We’re reviewing best bylaws practices, examples from many sources, consulting with experts at Cooperative Development Services, checking compliance with current law, and building in future compliance with applicable statutes. Draft bylaws will be evaluated by the board, staff and appropriate consulting experts. We will post updates on our progress on this page and on the board page of our website.

We would like to have an opportunity to answer questions you may have about this work. Any questions should be directed to board@pccmarkets.com.

Apply for PCC’s board of trustees

Would you like to contribute to the continued success of the largest consumer-owned grocer in the United States? Are you a critical thinker? Are you able to work in a collaborative environment?

We’re looking for qualified applicants for board service. Business and board experience helpful.

Board members serve a three-year term. Application deadline for the May 2016 election is December 7, 2015.

Next board meeting

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be Tuesday, November 17 at 4:30 p.m. at the co-op office. Member comment period is at 6 p.m. Comments are limited to three minutes unless a longer presentation is approved by the chair. For planning purposes please email us at board@pccmarkets.com if you plan to make comments.

PCC Community Grants

PCC strives to support organizations and schools located throughout the regions served by our stores.

Four times each year, PCC awards a $1,000 grant to a school or nonprofit that exemplifies the spirit of our local community.

We have a particular fondness for projects and programs that involve food, especially those relating to food education, nutrition and/or food sustainability.

Grant recipients will receive recognition — loudly and proudly — via our print publications, social media platforms and on our website. Visit pccmarkets.com/community/grants to learn more and apply.

Also in this issue

Soil & Sea: reports from our producers

Learn about the California pistachios crisis, Perdue's purchase of Niman Ranch, California's record ag profits, drought impacts on local salmon, and the decline of frozen entrees.

News bites, November 2015

Forced labor in fishing, Paleo flour?, Court: No to bee-killing pesticide, and more

Organic, heirloom and non-GMO turkeys

PCC is delighted to offer a full range of turkeys to choose from for the holidays, all sustainably raised by family-owned Diestel ranch. We have fully cooked options, too!