Your co-op, June 2006

This article was originally published in June 2006

Election outcome

Ballots for the 2006 board and nominating committee elections were counted in a meeting on May 31, so results were not known at press time. Check for results in the stores, co-op office and on our Web site after June 2.

Annual membership meeting

More than 200 PCC members gathered at the Center for Urban Horticulture for the 2006 annual meeting on May 2 — besting our 2005 attendance record. Board chair Bob Cross assured the standing-room-only crowd that the board will be looking for an even larger venue for next year’s meeting.

Following a brief business session that featured state-of-the-co-op reports from the board and management, the board candidates were introduced and gave short presentations to the membership.

The educational component of our meeting focused on the efforts being made in our region to improve childhood nutrition. A panel discussion featured reports from Goldie Caughlan and Tim Crosby, both members of the new Seattle Public Schools Nutrition Advisory Committee; Ann Lanning, co-chair of the Bellevue PTSA Health and Wellness committee; Farm-to-Cafeteria participant Andrew Stout of Full Circle Farm; and Alison Leber, administrator of the Beecher’s Flagship Program, which works to educate children on how to make good food choices.

A delicious, seasonal organic menu was planned especially for the meeting by Rita Condon, one of our staff nutrition educators, and was executed beautifully by the Fremont and Issaquah PCC delis.

See our slide show of the 2006 annual meeting.

Board meetings

There was no board meeting in April. The report on the May 30 board meeting will be published in the July Sound Consumer.

The next board meetings are scheduled for June 27 and July 25. Both meetings will be held at the co-op office and will begin at 5 p.m. Member comment period is at 6 p.m.

Also in this issue

Letters to the editor, June 2006

Wool for home insulation, Organic sustainability?, Soy matters, and more

News bites, June 2006

Washington asparagus, Canadian fat tax?, Miracle cherries, and more