Your co-op, May 2005

This article was originally published in May 2005

Vote now — PCC annual board election April 28 through May 27

Proposals to amend articles and bylaws also on ballot

Voting has begun in the 2005 annual election. Our members will elect three board members and a new nominating committee. The board is also asking that members vote YES on the proposals to amend our articles and bylaws. See “An important message to our valued member/owners”

There are four candidates vying for three board seats: Bob Cross, Kanwal Kaur, Linnea Noreen and Rick Riehle. The special election insert inside home-delivered issues of the Sound Consumer (and available on our Web site) contains your ballot, biographical information and campaign statements from each candidate, and a candidate Q&A that should be helpful in your deliberations. Look for the candidates as they campaign in the stores.

The insert also contains information on candidates for the 2005-2006 nominating committee. They are Taso Lagos, Kim Norton, Paul Schmidt and Deanna Theiss.

For help in understanding the board’s proposals to amend our articles and bylaws, see the complete text of the proposals in the election insert. A description of the changes and reasons for the changes are included. Again, the board strongly recommends a YES vote.

All election materials will be available in the stores and on our Web site throughout the election. Voting began on Thursday, April 28 and ends Friday, May 27. See the election insert for balloting details.

An important message to our valued member/owners

During the current board term, the PCC Board of Trustees conducted an exhaustive review of our Articles of Incorporation. We believe it to be part of our jobs as your representatives to assure that this vital document serves the co-op well in every aspect of governance and that an occasional review of the articles is a prudent and reasonable exercise. Due to the interdependent nature of the articles and bylaws, a review of the bylaws also was completed.

Our overriding objectives in these reviews were that the articles and bylaws should:

  • Be fully compliant with Washington State law
  • Be purged of superfluous language
  • Be easier to understand, and thereby easier to administer
  • Be consistent with our current business environment
  • Contain clear processes necessary for the efficient governance of the co-op

After our reviews, we saw the need for a number of amendments to the articles and bylaws. At its November 30, 2004, meeting, the board of trustees approved proposals to amend the articles and bylaws and directed that they be presented to our membership for a vote in this year’s election. We believe that the changes we’re proposing will prove to be important factors in the efficient governance and continuing success of our cooperative.

We’ve had the full texts of the proposed articles and bylaws posted online and available in the stores since January 1, 2005, and we promised to share any concerns about the proposals expressed by your fellow members. We’re pleased to say that we have received no negative feedback.

Inside this issue of the Sound Consumer, there is a special election insert. In addition to important information on the candidates for board and nominating committee positions, the entire texts of the proposals to amend the articles and bylaws are included, along with summaries of the changes and the reasons for the changes.

Please note that your ballot asks for four votes, each of which is critical: 1) board candidates, 2) nominating committee candidates, 3) the articles proposal, and 4) the bylaws proposal.

We’re looking forward to meeting some of you in the stores as we campaign for your “YES” votes in support of the proposals and promote your participation in the election process.

PCC Board of Trustees

Notice of ballot count meeting

The 2005 annual election votes will be counted at a public member meeting on Wednesday, June 1 at 6 p.m. at the co-op office, 4201 Roosevelt Way, N.E. Call Janice Parker at 206-547-1222, or email if you would like to attend as a volunteer or observer.

Talk to the Board

Saturday, May 21, 12 to 2 p.m., Greenlake PCC

The last “Talk to the Board” event of this board term will be held in May. Members and patrons at all seven stores have had an opportunity to meet informally with board members since last July. The board members have enjoyed these regular chances to meet and talk with members. “This kind of event has been one of the most useful ways we have found to have conversations with members,” notes board chair Mary Simon. “I’m sure the new board will quickly develop and publicize the next term’s ‘Talk to the Board’ schedule.”

Board meeting report

At its March 29 meeting, the board discussed the 2004 audit and finalized plans for the annual meeting. Representatives from the co-op’s external auditors were present to report on the results of the audit and answer board members’ questions. The audit confirmed PCC’s solid financial picture. Sales and expense figures for 2004 are published in the 2004 annual report, available in each store’s Co-op Information Center and online.

The board also evaluated its processes and productivity over the 2004-2005 term. There was a consensus that extra work sessions are needed to facilitate focused discussions. They also decided that it might be useful for the member comment period to be earlier in the meeting agendas. They agreed that it will begin at 6 p.m. starting with the May 31 meeting.

Next board meeting

The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Tuesday, May 31 at 5 p.m. at the co-op office. The member comment period begins at 6 p.m.

Also in this issue

Letters to the editor, May 2005

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