Your co-op, August 2001

This article was originally published in August 2001

Membership meeting scheduled

(Update — 8/6/2001)
The board of trustees invites all PCC members to attend a membership meeting to discuss the state of the Co-op on Sunday, September 16th. The meeting is the promised follow-up to the spirited discussion that occurred at the yearly meeting in April. The board and management will use this meeting as another way to find the pulse of the Co-op.

This meeting seeks to refresh the ways in which member/owners can interact and communicate with the board, staff, and management. Please come, join us and bring your opinions. The meeting will be held on Sunday, September 16th at University Heights Center in Seattle, between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m.

We encourage all members to come and tell us about the good things the co-op is doing and also any concerns they have about the co-op’s direction. Board members and management will be in attendance to hear your itemization of great things and also your concerns. Come join us for a Sunday discussion. Refreshments will be made available. Your opinions matter to us so please plan on attending.

How to get there: University Heights Center is located at 5031 University Way NE in the University District of Seattle. There is parking on-site, as well as limited street parking. The Center is on the following bus routes: on University Way NE: 71, 72, 73; on 15th Avenue NE: 48, 271; along/to NE 45th Street: 7, 9, 25, 44. Call 206-287-8463 for recorded bus time information.

Contact us at:

The value of membership — ask a friend to join!

PCC membership pin

PCC turns 40 this month, making it one of the oldest, most successful food co-ops in the country. In honor of this event, in all our stores this month you’ll hear cashiers asking our non-member shoppers if they’re ready to join PCC. Why not help them out by asking a friend to join? The more of us there are, the greater the benefits can be.
Learn more

Member book reviews on tour

On Sunday, June 24, co-op shoppers at the West Seattle store experienced the essence of what a co-op is all about: people speaking up about food and health issues. John Abbotts and Annie Roach participated in our co-op wide “YOU Pick the Chapter” book reviews of “Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser, with their reviews published in last month’s Sound Consumer.

In the spirit of the giant New York publishing houses, they took their reviews on the road.
Learn more

No August board meeting

There is no board meeting scheduled for August. The next board meeting will be Tuesday, Septtember 25, at the PCC Offices, 4201 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle. The board meets at 5 p.m. Portions of the meeting are in executive (closed) session. Please call the board administrator at 206-547-1222 x126 to learn about the open portions of the meeting. The opportunity for members to address the board directly is at 7 p.m. Please contact the board administrator prior to the meeting if you are planning to come and speak. The September issue of the Sound Consumer will include a report on the July 31 board meeting and summer board activities.

Update on Ravenna

A number of people have contacted PCC’s management expressing interest in the Ravenna site. A realtor also has been engaged to search for other possible interested parties. The month of July was devoted to exploring all of these contacts and evaluating alternative uses of the site.

Management hopes to hold a meeting with interested neighborhood PCC members and shoppers to look at the most promising alternatives sometime in August, but at press time, hasn’t set a date for this meeting. Please contact the board administrator at 206-547-1222 x126 or email if you’re interested in attending this meeting and want to be notified about the date and place. We’ll also post a sign on the store with the date, once set.

For more information on the Ravenna PCC store site and review a past article in the Sound Consumer, click here.

Also in this issue

Letters to the editor, August 2001

Seeded watermelons and organics autonomy

News bites, August 2001

DHA and brain power?, Fresh produce on wheels, Food safety in restaurants, and more