The value of membership — ask a friend to join!
This article was originally published in August 2001

PCC turns 40 this month, making it one of the oldest, most successful food co-ops in the country. In honor of this event, in all our stores this month you’ll hear cashiers asking our non-member shoppers if they’re ready to join PCC.
Why would you join PCC?
“It’s improving the value of life in the community, promoting essential values in life in the community. PCC provides good food and educates people on nutrition and the value of what we consume. It’s member-owned — that’s a great concept.”
—Lois DuPey, Fremont shopper, planning to join
Why did you join PCC?
“Everyone should join the co-op closest to where they live, and support it. The co-ops in town offer the best choices at the best prices. Co-op stores are smaller, with a warmer atmosphere than a supermarket.”
—Rondi Ericksen, Greenlake shopper, PCC member

In all PCC stores this month, you’ll hear cashiers asking our non-member shoppe rs if they are ready to join PCC. Cashiers will explain the benefits of membership and the role membership investment plays in keeping our stores in tip-top shape. Why not help them out by asking a friend to join? The more of us there are, the greater the benefits can be.
Why should I join? What are the financial benefits of being a PCC member?
- Coupons in the Sound Consumer
- Discounts on hundreds of products each month
- Discount on books and cards
- Discount on FoodWorks classes
- Free Sound Consumer subscription sent to your home
- Eligibility to join AlaskaUSA Federal Credit Union
- Locally owned, by the consumer. Money stays in the local area — benefits local farms, economy and environment.
- Membership investment is fully refundable — for any reason (except a $2 processing fee).
What’s different about PCC from other stores?
- PCC educates consumers.
- PCC builds community.
- PCC is environmentally friendly.
- PCC supports local, sustainable agriculture.
- PCC advocates for high-quality food standards.
How much does it cost?
A lifetime membership is currently $60, payable all at once or in $6 increments, plus a $2 non-refundable processing fee. The $60 is fully refundable if you leave PCC.
What’s my $60 membership used for?
To make improvements in stores. The more member capital we have, the less we have to borrow from banks. Members’ investment directly supports the services PCC offers its members, and the money stays right here in the community. Remember, you can get your money back if you leave the area or decide membership isn’t working for you.