Your co-op, February 2001
This article was originally published in February 2001
Celebrating 30 Years in the Ravenna Neighborhood
PCC management and the board of trustees are working with the Ravenna community on the future of the Ravenna store site. The store closed January 13. On January 10, PCC representatives attended a meeting of the Ravenna Bryant Community Association (RBCA). PCC management is taking input from the community to get a sense of what the community wants at the Ravenna site.
Ravenna staff and where they are
by Nancy Taylor,
Director of Human Resources
Many of you have asked what would happen to your favorite staff member from the Ravenna store. It’s important to us that we made sure as many staff as possible continue to work for PCC. To know where they can be found now, find their name on this list. We’re excited about the skills and experience they bring with them and hope you’ll keep up the great relationships you’ve developed with these great staff members.
Kirkland: Loren Rozanski, John Rankin, Steven Stalter, Bryan Booker, Paul Koller.
Seward Park: Gina Jordan
View Ridge: Eden Shirman, Bryan Booker, Sarah Hamilton, Jason Doll, Heather Navratil, Mark Kochanny, John Culbert, Jacob Goss
West Seattle: Reed Schilbach, Gordon Kuhns
Fremont: Ling Tong, Megan Stefanich, Carlee Stewner, Demond Chatters, Libby White, John Culbert, John Rankin, Stephanie Albornoz
Greenlake: Cecil Hudson, Frannie Christensen, James Norton, Robin Hall, Paula Crismon
Issaquah: Roberto Gonzalez
A Member Question

As a co-op dedicated to environmental responsibility, why is PCC using plastic grocery bags now?
Answer: PCC introduced handled plastic bags as an option for bagging your groceries. This decision addresses our commitment to customer service, our need to control costs and our ongoing regard for the environment. Key factors in our decision included:
- Plastic bags are 100 percent recyclable. Each PCC store provides a bin for recycling plastic bags.
- Our plastic bags contain a minimum of 30 percent post-consumer waste.
- Plastic requires one-seventh the space in landfills compared to paper.
- Plastic bags release 94 percent fewer waterborne wastes into the soil.
- Plastic bags are versatile and reusable. 80 percent of plastic bags are reused.
- Production of plastic bags introduces 70 percent fewer emissions into the atmosphere and requires 40 percent less energy.
- Plastic bags cost approximately one-third as much as paper bags.
PCC offers 100 percent recyclable plastic bags as an option. Please recycle them!
Board Meeting Information
Members are encouraged to attend PCC board of trustee meetings. The next PCC Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. Tuesday, February 27, at the Roosevelt office. Please contact Kathy Blackman at 206-547-1222 x126 closer to the date of the meeting for the time of the open session. Meeting times are subject to change without notice.
Coming Soon!
Mark your calendars now to save the evening of Tuesday, April 17, for the PCC Annual Meeting, to be held on the Bastyr University campus in Kenmore. Watch this space for news on the upcoming annual meeting and board election.
How to Get in Touch with Us
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