Chatterbox for June

by Karen Gaudette

This article was originally published in June 2011


They’re green, they’re lean and they’re tasty: We’re talking kale chips, which so many of you have proclaimed a hit — 102 Facebook “likes” can’t be wrong!

“Love these! My older son will eat a whole batch if I leave them out!” Laura Hagan Sauls wrote on our Facebook page. Brenna Arnesen wrote that she makes them with olive oil and Parmesan cheese. These chips appear to be a popular way to introduce kale to the kale averse. Watch the video and try the recipe.

And for a new flavor sensation, give these coconut chips a try! Recipe by Pranee Halvorsen, PCC Cooks instructor.

Our “It’s easy being green” article in April PCC Taste prompted some of you to share great earth-friendly tips of your own.

“I use baking soda or vinegar for my cleaning, or I mix it into my existing cleaning products,” wrote Angela Thain on our Facebook page. “It’s a great face scrub, too. I also crocheted a coffee cup “sleeve” so if I’m out without a mug, I can at least use that!”

Our new television commercial generated a lot of warm feelings online (watch it on PCC’s YouTube channel. “I love it … Specially because the word ‘organic’ is included. Wishing you the best!” wrote Sherezade Vergara on our Facebook page. “Whoa! PCC is doing TV commercials? That might be worth turning the tube on for,” wrote Rebecca Lane.

Thanks to all for the kind words!

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