Restricting antibiotics in livestock

July 1, 2009

PCC joined 354 health, agriculture, environment, animal protection, religious, and other interest groups to sign on in support of the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA, H.R. 1549/S. 619).

Related reading

"Naturally raised" meat labels are misleading

Letter to USDA, re: the proposed "naturally raised" label is deficient and misleading.

Rules to address concentration and consolidation

Signed on to Rural Advancement Foundation International's (RAFI-USA) letter to Congress urging it to address anti-competitive practices in the livestock and poultry industries.

Animal welfare in organic poultry

Joined The Cornucopia Institute's sign-on letter to the National Organic Standards Board’s Livestock Committee calling for stronger animal welfare standards for organic poultry.