Letter to USDA urging finalization of Origin of Livestock Rule

January 28, 2021

PCC signed on to a letter urging the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to swiftly finalize the long-awaited Origin of Livestock rule, which would close regulatory loopholes damaging to small-scale and family-owned organic dairies.

The Origin of Livestock rule, proposed in 2015, would mend a loophole that some large certified organic dairies are exploiting, allowing them to lower their production costs through continuous transitioning of conventional cows into organic production. PCC has continued to urge the USDA to implement the Origin of Livestock rule, as small and family-owned dairies across the nation suffer. For a full background on the Origin of Livestock rule, see our Sound Consumer article, “Organic Dairy Rules Need Repair Now.”

Six years since its proposal, the Origin of Livestock rule still has not been implemented and the consequences have continued to escalate. Orchestrated by the Organic Farmers Association, the most recent letter reiterates the urgency of finalizing the rule and was signed by 118 organizations and 249 farms.

Read the full letter here.

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