Letters to the Editor
Country of origin labels
Hello, we shop at the Green Lake store and buy from the bulk section. I appreciate the state or country of origin labels on these products. These labels greatly inform our purchasing decisions. There is no state or country of origin on the “organic black turtle beans” bin. Can you please provide that information? Thanks!
Which spices are these?
I have a couple of spices that I bought from PCC in bulk and I don’t know for sure what they are. Is there a way I can look up the bulk spices by code number? I need to know what #1669 and #1664 are.
Egg replacements
Is there a reason PCC does not carry Just Egg brand products (liquid egg replacement and frozen patties)? Given the increased awareness about a plant-based diet and issues with egg shortages and bird flu, it would benefit shoppers to have these products available at PCC stores.
PCC replies: Thank you for writing and for your question on egg replacements. PCC currently stocks Hodo Scramble, a vegan organic replacement for scrambled eggs, as well as a vegan egg replacer for baking produced by Bob’s Red Mill. We do not carry Just Egg products, because they do not currently meet our quality standards.
Among the specifics, Just Egg contains nisin and transglutaminase, which are ingredients that we prohibit. (The “folded” version doesn’t contain nisin, but it does contain transglutaminase.)
Nisin is a preservative that PCC prohibits. We do allow some preservative agents but try hard to limit that category. Antimicrobial resistance is recognized as one of the top 10 biggest global health threats, so we try to minimize those substance where we can.
Transglutaminase, also known as “meat glue,” is an enzymatic binder made by fermenting bacteria. It’s not extensively studied, but some of the research we came across in our review suggests it can trigger a reaction to individuals who have celiac disease, along with some epidemiological data indicating that transglutaminase could potentially induce celiac disease in individuals who don’t have it.
While we recognize and share the interest in plant-based alternatives, we are trying to ensure that we offer items that are in alignment with our mission and vision as a company, emphasizing nutrient-dense wholesome foods and limiting, as much as possible, the highly processed, chemical-intensive foods. Our full standards are online here.