PCC’s 2018 annual Election

This article was originally published in April 2018

PCC’s Annual Election is just around the corner. Get ready to cast your vote!

Friday, April 27

Voting online, in-store or by mail will be open to all eligible members at 8:00 a.m.

Wednesday, May 30

Online voting must be completed by midnight (PST) on May 30.

Paper ballots must be received by midnight (PST) May 30 in-store or by mail at:

PCC Community Markets Election Processing,
c/o Election Services Corporation,
PO Box 9020,
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779-9822.

Ballots not received by May 30, 2018 may be returned only in person at the annual Members’ Meeting on June 6, 2018.

Election questions?

Questions about your eligibility to vote, how you can vote, or PCC’s annual election process? Please refer to our Election FAQs published in the March Sound Consumer, available in stores or online here, or call the PCC office at 206-547-1222.

Need a paper ballot? Paper ballots are available in stores or by request from Election Services Corporation by calling toll-free (1-866-720-4357), or by emailing pcchelp@electionservicescorp.com.

Election Materials

The election guide, previously printed and mailed separately, now will be a centerfold in the May Sound Consumer and available on the election page of our website.

Your Vote Matters

You can vote online or by paper ballot.

Eligible members who have given PCC a valid email address by April 1, 2018 will receive an email on April 27 directing them to their unique online ballot that, once completed and submitted, will generate a confirmation that you have voted.

Kiosks also will be available in stores for online voting. In addition, paper ballots will be available in stores or by request from Election Services Corporation.

Mark Your Calendars for PCC’s 2018 Annual Members’ Meeting

Join us to hear updates from your Co-op, ask questions and meet the 2018 election candidates. Light refreshments will be provided.

Wednesday, June 6
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

The Swedish Club
Stockholm Meeting Room | Lower Level
1920 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109

Member registration will open on Friday, April 27 and close on Saturday, May 26.

Additional details including how to register, the meeting program, directions and parking will be provided in the 2018 Election Insert in the May Sound Consumer.

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The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970. Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, created a bipartisan "national teach-in on the environment" and promoted it widely on national media.

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Leslie Mackie opened Macrina Bakery in 1993, fulfilling a life-long dream to own a business of her own.