Nutrionists' picks
This article was originally published in December 2016

PCC Nutrition educator Marilyn Walls’ picks

Lotus Forbidden Rice
This organic, heirloom rice, found packaged and in bulk, supports biodiversity, sustainability and fair trade. The rich dark purple color provides anthocyanins, those same antioxidants found in blueberries that protect heart health and cognitive function. The shiny black rice is a lovely presence on any plate and tastes delicious.

New Chapter Zyflamend Nighttime
Is holiday stress disrupting your sleep? These vegetarian capsules contain botanicals that help relaxation and sleep, including holy basil, valerian and hops. Organic turmeric and ginger act as anti-inflammatories. It’s Non-GMO Project Verified.

PCC Nutrition educator Nick Rose’s picks

Maskal teff flour
Teff is an ancient grain native to Ethiopia. It has more calcium than any other grain and is a great source of fiber and protein. Teff is so tiny it can’t be milled, so it’s always whole-grain. Mix into bread dough or pancake batters for a nutritional boost, or try Nick’s Teff cookies.

Host Defense Mushroom supplements
Renowned mycologist Paul Stamets created these locally produced mushroom supplements that are excellent for supporting our immune systems. Top picks: MyCommunity capsules with a comprehensive blend of 17 medicinal mushrooms, and MycoShield Cinnamon Host Defense throat spray.

In season
Organic Produce
- Clementine Mandarin oranges — from Johansen Ranch in Orland, Calif.
- Heirloom navel oranges —from Deer Creek Heights Ranch in Porterville, Calif.
- Tangerines — from Deer Creek Heights Ranch in Porterville, Calif.
- Minneola tangelos — from Rucker Farms in Mecca, Calif.
- Cherimoyas — from Cunningham Ranch in Fallbrook, Calif.
Also in this issue
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Stressed? Botanicals can help!
Before the advent of pharmaceuticals, ancient peoples around the world recognized herbs that gave them strength and the ability to respond to stressful situations, from fleeing tigers to surviving frigid winters. Today, herbal tonics derived from these same ancient herbs help your body and mind be flexible and respond to stress.
Your co-op community, December 2016
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