Your co-op community, December 2016

This article was originally published in December 2016

Holiday food drive

December 1 through 31

Make your dollar count by donating to the PCC Food Bank Program during our holiday food drive! All proceeds go to purchasing customized bulk food orders for our partnering food banks. $5 can purchase 34 servings of vegetable soup mix, $10 purchases 213 servings of rolled oats, and $20 can purchase 376 servings of pinto beans!

During our 2015 Holiday Food Drive, shoppers raised more than $37,000. Help us reach our goal of $50,000 by donating online or at the register in a PCC store.

FareStart Guest Chef Night

Thursday, December 1
Seating from 5:30 to 8 p.m.

People helping people make great food and build better lives. What’s not to like? Take part at FareStart’s Guest Chef Night featuring PCC Cooks instructor Darin Gagner, celebrating students graduating from the 16-week culinary training and job-placement program. Enjoy a three-course dinner provided by PCC in support of FareStart training programs. Dinner reservations required. Cost per person is $29.95. For more information and to book a table, go to

Chinook Book sale

Now through Sunday, January 1

Celebrate the holidays with $5 off the retail price of the print book, mobile pack and combo pack, on sale now for $17, $10 and $25. Save hundreds of dollars while supporting local, sustainable businesses. Inside, you’ll find three PCC coupons redeemable at our stores. With the sale of each book, PCC will donate all proceeds to PCC Farmland Trust. See for more info.

Santa Arrival and Tree Lighting

Saturday, December 3
Country Village Shops, Bothell

It’s a holiday wonderland at Country Village with live reindeer, caroling by local quartets all day, a whimsical gingerbread house display, a surprise visit by the Grinch, and 40 local shops and restaurants all decked out in their best with thousands of twinkling lights.

Complimentary hot roasted chestnuts donated by PCC from 4 p.m. until they last!



Saturday, December 10, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Seattle Center’s Armory Loft
305 Harrison St., Seattle

Make sure to show up early for “Seattle’s Ultimate Bake Sale.” PCC Fremont is donating some of our bakery’s best to the fest. All CookieFest proceeds go directly to Seattle Milk Fund’s Child Care and Family Support Program. Learn more about Seattle Milk Fund’s amazing work:

Green Lake Pathway of Lights

Saturday, December 10, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Green Lake Park

The Pathway of Lights is presented by Seattle Parks and Recreation. Green Lake’s 2.8-mile walking path will be lit up by more than 2,500 lights. This annual tradition brings neighbors, friends, families and Seattle together to light up the night during one of the darkest months of the year. PCC will provide hot beverages and tasty treats in three different locations around the lake. Stop by and say hello!

Kirkland 12K’s of Christmas

Sunday, December 18, 8 a.m.
Heritage Park, 111 Waverly Way, Kirkland

Join us at the 12K’s of Christmas Holiday Run! Our Kirkland store will be handing out snacks and fruit for the participants. Stay for the post-event celebration including a free kids dash for tots 10 years old and younger, music, a free photo wall and a holiday costume contest. Register at

Food Bank packaging parties

Help package bulk foods into family-sized portions. Join us:

Monday, December 12, 6:30 p.m.
Redmond Hopelink Food Bank

Monday, December 12, 7 p.m.
West Seattle Food Bank

Wednesday, December 14, 6:30 p.m.
Maltby Food Bank

Thursday, December 17, 7 p.m.
Chicken Soup Brigade Food Bank

Wednesday, December 21, 7 p.m.
VOAWW Bitterlake Food Pantry

Pre-registration not required. For groups larger than five people please contact community relations.

Learn more at

Blood drive

Friday, December 2, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
West Seattle PCC

One donation of blood can save three lives! Bloodworks Northwest will be at the West Seattle PCC collecting blood. Walk-ins are welcome. Remember to bring your ID. Learn more about donating at

PCC Cooks

PCC Cooks classes make great gifts for the holidays — and with a whole new schedule of Winter 2017 classes, you’ll find the perfect class for anyone on your list. Visit to sign them up for a specific class, or buy a gift card at any PCC store and let your loved one choose the topic.

And why not treat yourself, while you’re at it? Savor a Danish holiday tradition with Christmas in Denmark, prep for the last big meals of the feasting season with Mastering the Pan — Sauté, Sear and Pan Roast, and get your appetizer game going for those New Year’s parties with Easy & Festive Holiday Appetizers. View the full December class calendar at Happy Holidays from PCC Cooks.

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Before the advent of pharmaceuticals, ancient peoples around the world recognized herbs that gave them strength and the ability to respond to stressful situations, from fleeing tigers to surviving frigid winters. Today, herbal tonics derived from these same ancient herbs help your body and mind be flexible and respond to stress.

Soil & Sea: reports from our producers

Learn why "gluten-free" tops the list of labels on menus, what groups of people are more inclined to purchase organics, what's new with the maker of genetically engineered salmon, and more news.

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