PCC Board of Trustees report, August 2012
This article was originally published in August 2012
June board meeting report
The final meeting of the 2011-2012 board was held on June 26. The four standing committees presented year-end reports. Board Development, CEO Evaluation, Finance and Member Relations each gave a summary of efforts to achieve their work plans and highlighted recommended tasks for next year’s committees. Departing board member Stacey Donahue was acknowledged for her service and was presented a gift. (See her farewell message below.)
The 2012-2013 board was seated officially with newly elected member Sandy Voit joining the board. Maggie Lucas and Stephen Tan were re-elected to the board in the recent election. Carol Binder was re-elected as board chair and Julianne Lamsek was elected to represent the board on the 2012-2013 nominating committee.
The next board meeting is July 31 at 5 p.m. at the co-op office. Members are welcome at all public portions of the meeting and member comment period is at 7 p.m.
Farewell message

Serving on the PCC Board of Trustees, focusing on preserving the co-op’s values and the triple-bottom line has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It has allowed me to truly focus on issues that are critical to our environment and the health of my young family.
I am honored and proud to be part of an organization that means so much to our community. As I move on in my career developing sustainable, local and organic wines, I look forward to continuing my participation and commitment to PCC, our cherished community resource.
Thank you, Stacey Donahue
What are Ends policies?
The PCC Board of Trustees is a Policy Governance® board. The board translates into policy language the goals it has for PCC. These goals-oriented policies are called “Ends” and they speak, in broad terms, to the board’s current and long-range visions for PCC.
The board reviews Ends policies regularly to make sure they comprise the overarching goals of the co-op: to maintain a balance of economic, social and environmental responsibilities while providing high-quality, healthful food and educating members and patrons on healthy living topics.
It is management’s job to drive PCC to fulfill these Ends based on its interpretation of those policies, and to report on its compliance actions each year.
At least once each year, the board publishes the policies in our member newspaper and they always are posted on our website. Here is the current Ends policy language followed by an example of management’s interpretation and reporting process. The board and management welcome your ideas and questions.
Global Ends
PCC exists to create a cooperative, sustainable environment for our members and patrons in which the natural and organic supply chains thrive.
- Ends A: PCC members and patrons will have access to high-quality, healthful food that is fairly priced.
- Ends B: PCC membership is a respected and valued choice.
- Ends C: PCC has a local focus.
- Ends D: PCC members and patrons are well-educated in matters of healthful foods, healthy sustainable living, and the cooperative business model.
- Ends E: An inherent part of PCC’s business is the balance of economic, social and environmental responsibilities.
Here is an excerpt from management’s report on its 2011 Ends interpretations and compliance actions. More of the report is available on our website.
Interpretation: The Global Ends reflects the broad view that management actions are taken to offer benefit and value to all PCC patrons, whether or not they are members.
Cooperative environment: PCC will continue to operate its business as a consumer cooperative and will be supportive of other cooperative endeavors.
- PCC supported the National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA) throughout the year. We actively participate in — and help coordinate the supply category bid process with — the NCGA, which has resulted in favorable pricing on a number of key supply items for PCC and other NCGA members.
- PCC continued as an informal resource for collaboration with food co-ops across the country.
- PCC participated in the Cascadia Cooperative Network Survey. This data-gathering project was sponsored by the NWCDC (Northwest Cooperative Development Center), SLICE (Strengthening Local Independent Co-ops Everywhere) and CCN (Cascadia Cooperative Network).
- PCC co-sponsored “Co-opalooza,” a family-friendly celebration of local cooperative businesses, and “SLICE 2011: Invigorating the Cooperative Economy,” a two-day summit held in Seattle (October 2011).