PCC Board of Trustees report, August 2011

This article was originally published in August 2011

Board of Trustees report

The final meeting of the 2010-2011 board was held on June 28. The committee and task force chairs presented year-end reports. Several PCC trustees reported on attending the annual Consumer Cooperative Management Association (CCMA) conference in June.

CCMA workshops and keynote addresses covered a number of compelling topics including member engagement, food deserts, and the Non-GMO Project.

Departing trustee Buzz Hofford was presented with a gift on behalf of the membership to thank him for his four years of service. Diana Crane, Don Nordness (not present) and Janet Hietter also were acknowledged as they ended their service on the board nominating committee.

The 2011-2012 board was officially seated with newly elected trustee Bruce Williams joining the board.

Carol Binder was elected to serve as chair. Binder is serving in her second board term. She is the recently retired executive director of Pike Place Market and has served as chair of the PCC Finance Committee for two years. She also has served on our board’s Member Relations, Board Development and CEO Evaluation committees.

In accordance with PCC’s bylaws, the board members selected one of their fellow trustees, John Sheller, to serve on the 2011-2012 nominating committee. Sheller will join the member-elected committee members — Tom Monahan, Rick Riehle, Mary Simon and Chantal Stevens.

What are Ends policies?

The PCC Board of Trustees works by a method called Policy Governance®. The board translates into policy language the goals it has for PCC. These goals-oriented policies are called “Ends” and they speak, in broad terms, to the board’s current and long-range visions for PCC.

The board reviews Ends policies regularly to make sure they comprise the overarching goals of the co-op. It is the CEO’s job to drive PCC to fulfill these Ends. The CEO reports to the board each year on his interpretations of the policies and on the actions he has taken to comply with the policies. The board decides whether those interpretations are in line with the board’s intent and then decides whether the CEO’s report demonstrates compliance with the policies.

At least once each year, the board publishes the policies in our member newspaper and they are always posted on our website. Here is the current Ends policy language.


PCC exists to create a cooperative, sustainable environment for our members and patrons in which the natural and organic supply chains thrive.

  • Ends A: PCC members and patrons will have access to high-quality, healthful food that is fairly priced.
  • Ends B: PCC membership is a respected and valued choice.
  • Ends C: PCC has a local focus.
  • Ends D: PCC members and patrons are well-educated in matters of healthful foods, healthy sustainable living, and the cooperative business model.
  • Ends E: An inherent part of PCC’s business is the balance of economic, social and environmental responsibilities.

In order to help you better understand our policy-based governance structure, please check our website for excerpts from this year’s management report on its interpretation of and compliance with the Global Ends policy.

The board welcomes your ideas and questions. Email them to

Next board meeting

The next scheduled board meeting is Tuesday, September 27 at 5 p.m. at the co-op office. Member comments will be heard at 7 p.m. and are limited to three minutes unless a longer presentation is approved by the board chair prior to the meeting.

Upcoming Talk to the Board opportunities

The board members look forward to meeting you during regular visits to our stores. Look for us next at:

    Saturday, August 20, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
    Greenlake PCC

    Sunday, August 21, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
    Redmond PCC
    Saturday and Sunday, September 10 and 11
    10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    Issaquah PCC

Also in this issue

GROW bananas fund scholarships

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Grains: Sensitivities beyond wheat

There is little to no medical controversy over whether wheat and other grains trigger allergies or sensitivities. They do. Where controversy enters is in the areas of incidence and symptoms to grains other than wheat.

Soil & Sea: reports from our producers

This month's report includes local peaches, cherries, Washington apples, domestic avocados, Maui pineapple, oyster and sea scallop harvests, and how climate change may affect wine production.