Your co-op, May 2008

This article was originally published in May 2008

Notice of 2008 ballot counting meeting

The 2008 ballots will be counted at a public meeting Monday, May 26, 6 p.m. at the co-op office, 4201 Roosevelt Way, NE, Seattle. If you would like to volunteer to help, call Janice Parker at 206-547-1222.

Vote now

PCC annual board election ends May 23

PCC members are electing three board members and a new nominating committee in the current elections. The board also is presenting a proposal to amend our bylaws (See “To our loyal members” this page).

There are four candidates vying for three board seats: Buzz Hofford (incumbent), Carol Binder, Julianne Lamsek and Amy Pennington. The special election insert inside the printed issue of your home-delivered Sound Consumer (and on our Web site here) contains your ballot, biographical information and campaign statements from each candidate, and a candidate Q&A that can help you in voting.

The insert also contains information on the candidates for the 2008-2009 nominating committee. The candidates are Diana Crane, Janet Hietter, Don Nordness and Mary Simon.

Board report

The board met on March 29 and heard a report from PCC’s outside auditor on the 2007 audit. Last year was another strong financial success for PCC with record sales of more than $115 million. (The 2007 annual report is now in stores and on our Web site.)

The next scheduled board meeting will be Tuesday, May 27 at 5 p.m. at the co-op office. Member comment period is at 7 p.m.

Recap of April 29 annual meeting
Look for a report and photos of our recent annual meeting on PCC’s Web site after May 16 and in next month’s printed Sound Consumer.

Meet the candidates virtually and in person

Again this year, you’ll be able not only to read about our candidates, but see and hear them talk about why they’re running.

Our Web site features brief video interviews with each candidate. Plus, there will be four candidate forums — two on the east side and two on the west side — to allow members to plan ahead for the opportunity to talk one-on-one with our board candidates.

As promised, we posted this information early, on March 26, to give members more time to think about who should get their votes. The videos will remain posted throughout the election

Here are the forum dates and locations. All will feature delicious treats prepared by the PCC delis and food demo teams:

  • Wednesday, May 7, 6 to 7:30 p.m.
    PCC View Ridge
  • Thursday, May 8, 6 to 7:30 p.m.
    PCC Fremont
  • Wednesday, May 14, 6 to 7:30 p.m.
    PCC Redmond
  • Thursday, May 15, 6 to 7:30 p.m.
    PCC Issaquah

Please call Janice Parker at 206-547-1222 or email
if you have any questions about the forums or anything related to the election.

To our loyal members

From time to time, the PCC board proposes revisions to our articles and bylaws to address new situations or problems as they are identified. Revisions to our bylaws are subject to approval by the membership and require a two-thirds majority of voting members. Members last approved a comprehensive overhaul of the articles and bylaws in 2005.

This year, the PCC Board of Trustees is seeking approval of three amendments to the PCC bylaws. One relates to establishing term limits for nominating committee service. Another would clarify the process for filling board vacancies. The third would change the way member point-of-sale information may be used.

Our reasons for proposing these changes are outlined on page 2 of the election insert (or found here on our Web site. The entire text of the bylaws as they would read if the changes are adopted also is included in the insert.

We believe these changes would strengthen the bylaws and serve the membership well. We strongly urge you to approve them by voting YES on your ballot. Should you have any questions, please contact us at

In cooperation,
— Your board of trustees

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The appestat and binging: Why you can't eat just one

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