PCC Farmland Trust
by Summer Howe, PCC Farmland Trust Administrative and Development Officer
This article was originally published in December 2005

Keeping us all fed
The winter holidays often are a time for reaching out to those in our community who are poor, disadvantaged and hungry. This is a good time to consider the systemic factors that lead to hunger and poverty. Most of the world’s poor and hungry are rural farmers.
It may seem ironic that those who grow our food are the most likely to go hungry. This is due to economies that force farmers to depend on the sale of specialty food crops to out-of-state and foreign markets. Specialization leaves farmers vulnerable to market fluctuations. Frequently, family farmers are left without enough income to buy the food they need to eat; food they otherwise could have grown for themselves and their local market.
Here in Washington state, a wonderful variety of both specialty and staple foods is grown by successful family farmers. Unfortunately, in many places rural poverty is on the rise as small farmers are pushed out of business and rural landscapes are turned over to foreign and out-of-state agribusiness conglomerates.
Supporting our state’s local farmers and food economy helps stem this trend, decreasing poverty and hunger in our communities. Donating to the PCC Farmland Trust and shopping at stores that sell local produce, such as PCC, helps keep all of us fed.
Bennington Place receives stewardship award
Delta Farm is finalist
Thundering Hooves, of the PCC Farmland Trust’s Bennington Place farm, won the 2005 Vim Wright Stewardship Award in recognition of dedication to sustainability. The award is given annually by Farming and the Environment, a Washington coalition of environmentalists and farmers working for sustainable agricultural. Nash’s Organic Produce, at the Farmland Trust’s Delta Farm, was a 2005 finalist for the award.
“Receiving the Vim Wright Stewardship Award was a great emotional boost for us,” says Joel Huesby, whose family owns and operates Thundering Hooves.
“I’m thankful that all my family works so well together. I am also thankful for the PCC Farmland Trust. Without your generous support of organic farming practices and functional landscapes — and the purchase of the Bennington Place — we would not be where we are today, including this honor.
Thanks again to all who support the important work of the PCC Farmland Trust.”
— Joel Huesby
For more information, visit www.thunderinghooves.net and www.FarmingAndTheEnvironment.org.

Holiday gift ideas
Give a gift to last forever
Consider giving a gift to the Farmland Trust on behalf of a friend or family member for the holidays, or in memory of a loved one. Your gift to the PCC Farmland Trust goes directly to saving local organic farmland forever.
Stylish new t-shirts and handy totes
Featuring our new logo, our t-shirts and totes are 100 percent organic cotton and made with natural dyes — a perfect gift for the person in your life who seems to have everything. Available now at all PCC locations.
Make your contribution to the PCC Farmland Trust today
Last chance for 2005 tax-deductible charitable contributions.
This holiday season, make a charitable donation to the PCC Farmland Trust. This month is your last chance to receive 2005 tax deductions on donations to non-profit 501(c)3 organizations.
Double your gift through the Employee Matching Gift Program
It’s possible that you can double your donation to the PCC Farmland Trust. Many companies will match gifts from employees, retired employees and employee’s spouses. Does yours?
- Ask your company’s human resources department for a copy of their matching gift form.
- Complete your portion of the form.
- Submit the completed form with your donation to the PCC Farmland Trust.
- We’ll do the rest.