Your co-op, November 2005

This article was originally published in November 2005

Board meeting report

At its September 27 meeting, the board heard a progress report from PCC Farmland Trust President Stephanie Taylor, who highlighted repayment of a loan from PCC, the ongoing search for new farm property, and technological upgrades that are improving administration. The board also approved a mailing by the Trust to PCC members.

Management’s reports included an update on construction of the Redmond PCC. The project is right on schedule to open in March/April 2006.

The board also reviewed its calendar for this board year and heard reports from the Nominating Committee on its recruiting efforts (see “Application deadline approaching”) and the Linkage Task Force. Linkage presented the agenda for the fall member meeting for board approval and solidified the “Talk to the Board” schedule for the remainder of the board year.

Next board meeting

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be Tuesday, November 29 at 5 p.m. at the co-op office. Member comment period is at 6 p.m.

Talk to the Board

After two years of consistent monthly store visits, members are beginning to look forward to these one-on-one opportunities. Board member Julie Tempest reported that she spent her time at Kirkland in September steadily chatting with members who were eager to share their thoughts with a board member.

“It’s so important that our members feel they have more than one avenue to give input,” notes Tempest. “They can always email us, but these face-to-face exchanges are especially beneficial because they’re more relaxed than would be possible at a membership or board meeting.”

Upcoming Talk to the Board dates

  • PCC Seward Park, Saturday, November 19, Noon to 2 p.m.
  • PCC Fremont, Saturday, December 10, Noon to 2 p.m.
  • PCC Greenlake, Thursday, January 12, 4 to 6 p.m.

Help for co-ops hurt by hurricanes

PCC has announced a $5,000 donation to the Katrina Cooperative Recovery Fund established by the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF). (See news release)

For more than 50 years, the CDF has focused on opportunities where cooperatives can address the economic problems of rural communities effectively. The severity and long-term implications of the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina in many rural cooperatives in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama led the CDF to create its own recovery fund.

“PCC’s success is based largely on its cooperative roots and the strong belief held by our board, members, management and staff that cooperatives are uniquely capable of bringing about effective, long-lasting social and economic change within communities of any size or location,” said Tracy Wolpert, CEO. “We’re happy to contribute to the CDF’s efforts to help cooperatives hit so hard and unexpectedly by Hurricane Katrina.”

Upon learning of PCC’s contribution, CDF Executive Director Liz Bailey said, “The response of the cooperative community has been really inspiring. It’s about co-ops helping co-ops, but it’s also about basic human compassion. Thanks for all you and your members and customers are doing to help!”

Board candidate application deadline approaching

Nominating Committee Chair Kim Norton reports that the recruiting process is on track with a month remaining before the December 2 deadline for applicants to submit board applications. The committee will review applications in December with plans to interview in early to mid-January. The slate should be finalized by mid-February.

“There’s still time for members who think they may be interested in board service to request an information packet,” says Norton. “You’ll receive the application, as well as the trustee job description. Any questions about board service, such as the kinds of issues the board faces or the time commitment board members are expected to make are welcome.” Interested members should call 206-547-1222 or email

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