Member benefits: We'd like your comments

This article was originally published in January 2005

Please note: you are reading an archived article from the Sound Consumer.
Learn about our current benefits »

(January 2005) — Over the past five months, PCC has been exploring ways to make our membership program more meaningful to members, including a trial offer giving our members the chance to save an additional 10 percent on the shopping trip of their choice each month.

As a co-op member and PCC shopper, your voice and opinions are important. Our board of trustees would like your input on member benefits as it plans a retreat on this topic later this month. What are the most valuable elements of a PCC membership? How can PCC enhance your benefits? How can PCC generate new members?

You can answer these important questions by emailing your comments to or send a letter to PCC Natural Markets, 4201 Roosevelt Way, N.E. 98105.

We must receive your comments by January 14 so they can be submitted to our board for its annual retreat.

A quick reminder about changes to our member benefits

  • We will continue to offer PCC members the chance to save 10 percent on the shopping trip of their choice through March. This discount is in addition to our regular monthly Member Bonus Days on the 15th and 16th of each month.
  • In order to focus our resources on more meaningful, convenient ways for members to save in our stores, we have discontinued the $1 off coupons usually found on page three of the home-delivered copies of the Sound Consumer.
  • We have discontinued our Community Connections program and are working with a select group of like-minded partners who share our commitment to sustainability and a healthy environment. These include Flexcar, the Seattle Aquarium, Woodland Park Zoo and Cougar Mountain Zoo — who will continue to offer PCC members discounts.

Also in this issue