Gifts to the land and all its creatures — including ourselves
by Jody Aliesan, PCC Farmland Fund President and Operating Officer
This article was originally published in December 2002

How to give three ways at once — to your loved ones, to farmland, and to yourself
- Present the Chinook Book, a colorful environmentally-friendly coupon book, along with a five-pound bag of Nash’s Best carrots, in a Farmland Fund tote. Write your message on a postcard photo of the Delta Farm. You’ll find Chinook Books, totes and postcards in the Farmland Fund wall displays in PCC stores.
- Make a gift to the Farmland Fund in honor of friends and family. We’ll let them know with a copy of the card shown here (green and brown ink on cream card stock). Let us know what you’d like written inside.
- Bring home a Farmland Fund crudité platter from the PCC Deli (10 percent goes to save farmland). Choose products from the dozens of vendor donors identified in PCC stores by Farmland Fund shelf tags.
- Dedicate a “Protection share” in our Delta Farm. You can “invest” in land, farmhouse, barn, outbuildings, the orchard, and individual fruit trees. Stakeholders receive certificates on fine paper with a green ribbon and gold seal. Your name and the names of those you wish to honor or remember will be inscribed on permanent plaques attached to the barn. Look for the brochure entitled “Become a stakeholder in the Delta Farm” in the Farmland Fund wall displays in PCC stores.
- Thank the farmers! In this season of gratitude we thank our Washington organic farmers. Send a gift to the Farmland Fund and we’ll mail a handsome card to the local, organic farmer of your choice or choose a farmer for you from the Washington Tilth Producers Directory. Let us know what you’d like to say. All contributions will be used to protect the Shipley Fields.

Farmland Fund Highlights

Roxanne Scott writes, “I’m a huge fan of the Farmland Fund. I believe that what you’re doing is so valuable for us today and for many generations to come. As I learn more about the loss of farmland to development and the importance of organic farming, I become more convinced that the mission of the Farmland Fund is crucial to the future of organic farming in our state.”
Receive a free print for every gift of $100 or more. Original illustrations in color pencil and watercolor by Northwest artists are printed on high quality recycled paper and are donated by Good Nature Publishing. Four new prints are designed to double as placemats.
Now’s the time for year-end gifts! Consult your tax adviser for the most beneficial arrangements. The Farmland Fund is prepared to receive donations of securities.
Donor Roster (October 1-31, 2002)
Anonymous: 5
Patricia Anderson
Abigail Barden
Suzannah Dalzell
Debra Daniels-Zeller and Tom Zeller
Kim Duddy
Rob and Laurie Duyker
Caroline Ethelston
Mary Jane Helmann
Neil Kauffman
Ann S. Kirby
Ronald Long
Rahl Loomis
Lyn McKay
Robert Messina
Ann E. Neupert
Bev Osband and Eberhard Riedel
Kristine and Jeff Owens
Norm Tjaden
Mark and Nancy Tucker
Barbara Warden
PCC Staff:
More than 100 PCC staff members make voluntary payroll deductions twice a month. Goldie Caughlan and Elin Smith made additional donations. Wayne Cormier and Jan Thompson donated their customer service bonuses. Raymond Glandon and Tamara Goodrum contributed their PCC anniversary gifts.
In honor:
Of the marriage of Shawn and Isaac Hernandez
Businesses and Organizations:
Good Nature Publishing Company
Organic Valley
TalkingRain Beverage Company
Wildwood Harvest Foods
The PCC Farmland Fund works to secure and preserve threatened farmland in Washington State and move it into organic production. For more information, see the PCC Farmland Fund.