Your co-op, July 2001

This article was originally published in July 2001

40th anniversary next month

PCC’s 40th anniversary is coming up. We’ve come a long way since we became an official co-op, incorporating on August 29, 1961. Our members have made it possible for PCC to make a difference in more ways than just providing what may be some of the best food anywhere. Here are some of the things we’ve done as a co-op over the years.
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New Board begins to meet

On May 29, the board said farewell to two departing board members, Ed Harley and Carmelita Logerwell, and welcomed Chantal Stevens, John Brennan, and Pat Gibbon to the board, as well as Lori Babcock, who was re-elected. Don DeSantis was chosen as the new Board Chair.
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Book review

Featuring books available at PCC
Several PCC members got involved in a co-op wide “you pick the chapter” book review of “Fast Food Nation.” Following are excerpts from two chapters. Reviews provided by John Abbotts and Annie Roach.
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Also in this issue