RSVP for Coffee Tasting with Tony’s Coffee

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, we have rescheduled our upcoming members-only coffee tasting and will hold it online.


Saturday, May 2, 2020
10 a.m.

Tony’s Coffee will give a live demo from their cupping room in Bellingham, Washington via Zoom. Three methods of coffee brewing will be explored, each with a different coffee:

• Flash-brewed iced coffee featuring Tony’s Ethiopia Banko Dhadhato
• AeroPress featuring PCC Organic Medium Roast
• Pour over featuring PCC Organic Light Roast

We encourage you to try at least one of these coffees and brew along from home!

Those who register to attend will receive an email on April 30 with details on how to log into the event.

This event is for PCC members only. To RSVP, make sure you are logged into your PCC website account. If you don’t have a website account, you will need to create one and link your membership account to it.

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