New shopping service brochure

This article was originally published in July 2014

A new service for a better-informed shopping experience at PCC is coming soon.

We’ve created a brochure to help you decide what food companies and brands you may choose to avoid or support. The brochure identifies the ownership of some familiar organic brands, and brands in the Grocery Manufacturers Association that funded defeat of labeling genetically engineered (GE) foods in Washington state. It will be available in stores soon.

The Grocery Manufacturers Association and other processed food interests recently filed a lawsuit in federal court to overturn Vermont’s new law to label genetically engineered foods. They say labels on GE foods would violate their right to free speech.

Also in this issue

News bites, July 2014

Organic sales increasing, Bee rustlers, Oregon counties ban GE crops, and more

PCC Board of Trustees report, July 2014

PCC searches for New CEO, PCC Board of trustees election results, Board meeting report

Report: FDA lacks oversight of food ingredients

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) just released a 14-page overview of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) lax oversight of food additives in the United States. The report lambasts the feds for looking the other way as food technologists add almost anything they please to food.