PCC Engages on UN Food Systems Summit

May 10, 2021

PCC participated in an independent United Nations (UN) Food Systems Summit dialogue, hosted by the Organic Trade Association (OTA). The discussion focused on the role of organic in food security and sustainable food systems across the globe.

The UN Food Systems Summit, which took place on September 23, 2021, was convened to support progress on achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Prior to the Summit, meetings, referred to as “dialogues,” were held all over the world to engage stakeholders and provide them an opportunity to share ideas and work collectively on how to ensure more equitable and sustainable food systems.

PCC is a certified organic retailer and strong supporter of organic agriculture. As climate change worsens, we’ve focused more on elevating organic as a tool to mitigate climate change and build resilient food systems to ensure food security in the future. Along with other organic allies, PCC joined in OTA’s independent dialogue to highlight the equitable and sustainable food system solutions provided through organic agricultural practices.

Learn more about key points from the OTA independent dialogue and other independent dialogues that took place around the same time here.

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