Endorsing legislation to ban GE fish

PCC joined 64 consumer, worker, religious and environmental groups, commercial, recreational
and subsistence fisheries associations, and food businesses and retailers to endorse S. 230/H.R. 521 and its companion
S. 229/H.R. 520. The bills were introduced by Senator Mark Begich (D-Alaska) and Representative Don Young (R-Alaska) to ban GE fish and call for mandatory labeling.

The organizations that signed on include:

Alaska Marine Conservation Council

Alliance for Natural Health-USA


American Anti-Vivisection Society

California’s for GE-Free Agriculture

Center for Biological Diversity

Center for Environmental Health

Center for Food Safety

Citizen’s for Sanity.Com

Clean New York


Conservation Northwest

Consumers Union

Council for Responsible Genetics

Farmworker Association of Florida

Fisher’s Choice Wild Salmon and Gifts

Friends of the Earth US

Food and Water Watch

Go Wild Campaign

Greenpeace USA

Humane Society

Indiana Toxics Action

Institute for Fisheries Resources

Institute for Responsible Technology

International Center for Technology Assessment

Mangrove Action Project

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns

National Family Farm Coalition

National Organic Coalition

Non-GMO Project

Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance

Ocean Conservancy

Olympic Environmental Council

Organic Consumers Association

Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations

Penobscot East Resource Center

Say No to GMOs!

The Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association

The Massachusetts Fishermen Partnership, Inc

Union of Concerned Scientists

Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association

The businesses that have signed on include:

Abundance Cooperative MarketAbundance Cooperative Market

Alaska Trollers Association

Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association

Cook County Whole Foods Co-op

CROPP Cooperative

Eden Foods, Inc.

FRESH the Movie

Harvest Market, Inc.

Independent Natural Food Retailers Association


Lundberg Family Farm

Marquette Food Co-op

Natural Choices for Healthful Living, Inc

National Cooperative Grocers Association

Organic Valley

PCC Natural Markets

Real Food Store, Inc.

Rising Tide Community Market

San Juan Food Co-op

Stonyfield Farm

The Natural Grocery Company

Wedge Natural Foods Co-op

Whiz-Bang Fisheries, Inc.

Related reading

Rulemaking for national GE labeling

We respond to USDA questions for stakeholders on what we want to see in GE labeling.

Opposing the DARK Act rider

PCC is one of 85 businesses to sign a joint letter to President Obama, asking him to fulfill his campaign pledge to label genetically engineered food.

Proposed GE regulations are inadequate

Public comments submitted to USDA re: proposed changes in regulations for GM crops, including food crops engineered to express experimental pharmaceuticals and industrial compounds.