Fall 2021 Comments to NOSB

October 29, 2021

PCC submitted written comments and provided oral testimony for the virtual fall 2021 meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) advisory committee to the National Organic Program (NOP).

Each year the NOP holds two open meetings of the NOSB, giving the public an opportunity to learn about the NOSB’s analysis and recommendations. These meetings also are a platform for individuals to share information, perspectives, and input on issues concerning the organic program.

Due to the unprecedented circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic continuing in 2021, this year’s fall meeting, like the earlier spring meeting, took place virtually.

As a certified organic grocer that places a priority on organics, we are accountable to our shoppers and more than 90,000 active member-owners to advocate for organic integrity. As part of this advocacy, we not only submitted our own comments, but contributed and signed on—as a full member—to the extensive comments submitted by the National Organic Coalition (NOC). Read NOC’s fall 2021 NOSB Comments.

PCC’s comments addressed a variety of topics, including reiterating our spring comments opposing the petition for allowing Kasugamycin (an antibiotic) on fruit crops, providing critical feedback on the proposed fish oil annotation, and encouraging the NOP and NOSB to retain a focus on continuous improvement in organic regulations. PCC also stressed, yet again, the importance of leveraging organic as a leader in climate resilience and the need for identifying and developing recommendations to strengthen organic practices for climate mitigation, adaptation, and carbon sequestration.

Read the full text of PCC’s fall 2021 NOSB Comments.

Related reading

PCC comments for organic integrity

Comments on use of fracking waste "produced" water in organic crop systems; celery powder; potassium phosphate; sodium phosphate; magnesium carbonate; NOP NOSB relations.