Extend comment period for fish farming in Puget Sound

Dear Ms. Bouta,

On behalf of PCC Natural Markets and our 56,000 member-owners, I appreciate the opportunity to provide comments on the Department of Ecology’s Net Pen Guidelines proposed framework and timeline. We feel, however, that a 20-day public comment period is wholly insufficient. Public input at this early stage is critical to setting a trajectory for the success of your endeavor, and is fundamental to your commitment to an inclusive and transparent process. The draft timeline you provided shows the writing outline will be finalized between April and June, which certainly accommodates a public comment period beyond January 24.

Given the considerable scope and importance of this project and the many substantive biological, ecological, and socio-economic issues involved, we request a minimum of a 60-day comment period to permit a thoughtful and interested public the time to provide substantive, helpful comments.

Thank you for considering this request.


Eli Penberthy
PCC Natural Markets Public Affairs

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