PCC Board of Trustees

This article was originally published in March 2022

2022 elections are coming

Members, do we have your current email? To receive your link to this year’s ballot for the election of trustees to the PCC Board of Trustees (and to receive all the great member-only offers and giveaways throughout the year), we need your email address! Concerned about receiving too many notifications? Members can elect to receive member communications only. To make this election, visit this link. PCC does not sell or share your emails for other purposes.

On March 14, check the PCC website for the Notice of Annual Meeting for the 2022 election of trustees to the PCC Board of Trustees. This year, online voting for trustees will be open from April 18 through May 2.

Members have asked us what the “record date” is—under Washington law, the Board must establish a date near when voting starts to determine which members are eligible to vote in the upcoming election. Remember, under the PCC Bylaws, only members who are Active (meaning you have used your membership within 12 months) are eligible to vote in the election. This year, the record date is March 14, 2022 and only members who are Active members on that date are eligible to vote in the 2022 election.

To make sure you don’t miss an email with your unique link to the online ballot and election reminders, we recommend adding pccvoting@electionservicescorp.com to your email contact list. (Election Services Corp. is the independent third-party that oversees our online election.)

Now is also a good time to update your contact information or correct your email address if needed at pccmarkets.com/addresschange. Remember, election details will be on the PCC website, on March 14.


Important Election Dates

March 14
• Active members on this date are eligible to vote in the 2022 election

April 18 – May 2
• Online voting open

Also in this issue

Policy Report

A look at recent work from PCC’s Quality Standards Committee (QSC). The committee is a behind-the-scenes but critical part of our work to ensure socially and environmentally responsible food nourishes the communities we serve.

New state organization reignites support for organic and regenerative agriculture

A broad alliance of Washington farmers, business, organizations and activists have formed a new organization planned as a “strong voice” backing organic and regenerative agriculture. Ideally, it will rebuild the forward-thinking organics movement that drew wide support here in the 1970s and 1980s.