Your co-op, May 2011

This article was originally published in May 2011

Vote now! PCC Board election runs April 26 — May 19

You’re electing three board members and a new nominating committee.

The special election insert inside the issue of your home-delivered Sound Consumer contains your ballot, biographical information and campaign statements from each candidate, as well as a candidate Q&A designed to prepare you for your voting decisions. The insert also gives you a bit of background on the six trustees who the new board members will be joining.

Look also for information on the 2011-2012 nominating committee candidates. They are Tom Monahan, Rick Riehle, Mary Simon and Chantal Stevens.

All of the campaign materials also are available on our website.

Again this year, you’ll be able to see and hear the candidates talk about why they’re running. Our website features short video interviews with each candidate. Watch and listen to them briefly answer these questions:

  • Why do you want to serve on the board?
  • What makes PCC a different kind of business?
  • What unique skill or perspective will you bring to the board?

Please call Janice Parker at 206-547-1222 or email
if you have any questions related to the election.

2011 ballot count meeting

The 2011 ballots will be counted at a public meeting on Monday, May 23 at 5 p.m. at the co-op office, 4201 Roosevelt Way, N.E.

Results will be posted in our stores, office and website by Friday, May 27.

Board report

The board met on March 29 and heard a report from PCC’s outside auditor on the 2010 financial audit. The finance committee reported its findings on the audit process. (Look for the 2010 annual report in our stores, and on our website later in May.)

The board also continued work on a review of its process policies, which was started at the February retreat.
Management presented reports on the progress it has made this past year in achieving PCC’s Ends policies. Excerpts of the reports will be published in the July Sound Consumer.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be Tuesday, May 31 at 5 p.m. at the co-op office. Member comment period is at 7 p.m.

Annual meeting report

We’ll publish a report and photos of our annual meeting on our website by May 11 and in next month’s Sound Consumer.

The recipes from the annual meeting menu are online — a beautiful, seasonal meal that’s easy and affordable.

Also in this issue

Delta Farm tour: home of Nash’s Organic Produce

On May 14 we’ll be out on the Olympic Peninsula to tour Delta Farm, home to Nash’s Organic Produce and the first farm saved by PCC Farmland Trust. Register now for the tour — a wonderful way to welcome spring and learn from farmer Nash Huber.

Letters to the editor, May 2011

DHA and ARA added to organics?, Understanding organic, Label GMO and CAFO products, and more

Healthy Kids initiative

PCC has launched a new initiative, PCC Healthy Kids, to reach out to kids, parents, schools and our community through a variety of programs and partnerships that focus on nutrition and fitness.