Your co-op, January 2010

This article was originally published in January 2010

Board meeting report

The November 24 board meeting agenda included review of the 2010 operating budget and business plan, an evaluation of the fall member meeting, a briefing from the Neighboring Food Cooperative Association (NFCA), and a decision on the 2010 annual meeting and election dates. Based in the Northeast, the NFCA (formed in 2004) is an alliance of 15 food co-ops in New England collaborating toward a thriving regional economy.

The board heard from Eric DeLuca, project manager of the NFCA. “Healthy food system development,” he said, “is one of our main streams of activity and we are taking a ‘network of networks’ approach to leveraging resources and innovation.” Our board is researching co-op efforts around the country in the area of re-regionalizing and strengthening the food system.

The board approved April 27 as the date of the 2010 annual meeting, with the election beginning that date and running through May 21. The 2010 ballot count meeting was set for May 25.

Fall member meeting recap

In her meeting feedback, longtime PCC member Stephanie Roche (above) commented, “I thought our dairy farmer was just the best!!! I especially appreciated how [he] kept coming back to the health of the soil, and what makes healthy soil. So rarely anymore do we talk about the underpinnings of nutritious food — and he did. I was also buoyed by the power of organizing — as that milk cooperative has done.” Roche is shown here with fellow member Bruce Wayne Benard.

Community relations specialist Angela Baker (l) and board member Maggie Lucas (r) hosted members as dinner table co-captains. “It is inspiring to meet so many diverse PCC members and learn about the important role PCC plays in their lives. I am grateful to be able to work on behalf of such a thoughtful, supportive membership,” Lucas commented.

More photos, thoughts and recipes from the fall member meeting are available online.

2010 board candidate slate

This year’s nominating committee interviewed 12 applicants for board candidacy. The committee is nominating the following PCC members for consideration in the 2010 election:

  • Katrina Basic (controller, AquaQuip)
  • Jason Hamlin (financial advisor, UBS)
  • Bryan Pearce (CEO, University Book Store)
  • John Sheller (managing librarian, King County Library System)

We’ll post candidate bios and photos online by March 24, including video interviews. The nominating committee thanks all who submitted applications and encourages all members to check out the candidates on our Web site in March.

Next board meeting

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be Tuesday, January 26. Member comment period is at 7 p.m.

Also in this issue

Social responsibility at PCC Natural Markets

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PCC Farmland Trust welcomes new staff

With heightened awareness of issues such as farmland loss, food security, climate change and sustainability, the trust’s work continues to grow — as does the staff. Introducing Hillary Roberts and Lynne Jordan, newest staff working with the PCC Farmland Trust.

Salt of the earth and sea

If you think of salt as just the white, granular combination of two simple elements — sodium and chloride — you’re mistaken! Salts from around the world are unique in color and flavor and texture. There are pink salts, black salts, smoked salts and flaked salts.