Public policy report

This article was originally published in June 2009

Five people in DC for Lobby Day.

(l-r) Walt Green and Roxanne Green of PCC Redmond, Jeff Mueller of United Natural Foods, Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Mary Ann Hunt, executive director of the Natural Products Association NW, in Washington, D.C. for Lobby Day.

(June 2009) — From time to time, PCC engages in public outreach and policy initiatives, as events warrant. Here’s a recent sampling:

  • PCC health and body care staff met with lawmakers in Olympia and Washington D.C. to advocate for legislation of importance to the natural supplement and body care products industry.
  • Public affairs staff testified in Olympia on food safety issues and a proposal to establish a Washington state food safety commission.
  • PCC joined the Center for Food Safety in advocating tighter regulations than those proposed for genetically modified crops.
  • Public affairs staff joined the Cattle Producers of Washington in Olympia to seek support for reinstating state meat inspections, to improve market access for smaller ranchers.
  • PCC sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Washington State’s U.S. Senators opposing the proposed National Animal ID System.
  • PCC wrote the Obama administration asking it to endorse the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD). The IAASTD advocates a shift from industrial agriculture to small-scale and organic farming to cope with population growth and climate change, and avoid environmental collapse and social breakdown. 
  • A nutrition educator offered a presentation on nutrition and food systems to an AmeriCorps branch.
  • A nutrition educator joined a YWCA dinner meeting for Headstart parents and discussed childhood nutrition.
  • A nutrition educator offered a presentation to the Edmonds Methodist Church on sustainable food choices (seasonal/organic/plant centered).
  • A nutrition educator offered a store tour about eating on a budget for low-income Housing Authority residents.
  • A nutrition educator presented a class about eating healthy on a budget to a parents’ group at the French Immersion School.

Also in this issue

Raw food vitality

As the author of a vegetarian dining guidebook, I’ve had the pleasure of eating many exceptional meals over the years. But one of the most memorable meals I’ve ever had was not at a restaurant. Rather, it was a raw foods potluck a decade or so ago at a friend’s house here in Seattle.

The economic value of farmland

Until now, the costs of pollution and exploitation of finite resources haven’t been factored into the price of food. Profits are privatized while the cost to the environment is externalized to the public. It doesn’t have to be this way. Farmland needs to have its value recognized as more than just a source of food. In some places, that is being done.

Choosing sustainable and healthy seafood

Choosing seafood that is both sustainable and healthy can be challenging. Is it farmed or wild? Troll-caught or trawled? Alaskan or Chilean? Healthy or toxic? There are so many questions — it’s enough to confuse even the most conscientious consumer.