PCC announcements

This article was originally published in January 2009

Gluten-free at PCC
PCC is delighted to announce completion of an easily accessed database of gluten-free foods sold in our stores.

The gluten-free database is on our Web site, making it easy to identify hundreds of gluten-free products. From baking ingredients and breakfast bars, to pasta and pizza, you’ll find delicious and healthy foods for every taste.

You can search by keywords or brand names and browse by category, from baking products to frozen foods. You also can narrow your search to identify only organic, gluten-free items.

Visit pccmarkets.com/glutenfree. This database will make feeding family and friends a little easier!

PCC Cooks: sustainable changes

We’re also pleased to announce that a goal we’ve been striving for since 2006 has been met. With more than 60 percent of our PCC Cooks class registrations occurring online, we’re able to discontinue mailing the catalog as an insert with the Sound Consumer each quarter to member households.

We’ll continue to print the catalog for store and community distribution to accommodate people without Internet access.

The reduction in quantity means a savings of 35 trees, 15,600 gallons of water, 32 million BTUs of energy, 1,000 pounds of solid waste and 1,800 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions — each quarter!

Thank you for being a part of this sustainability effort by using www.PccCooks.com.

Please note: Registration for the Winter quarter starts December 29 at 9 a.m..

Local produce for schools

Courtesy of the new Local Farms-Healthy Kids legislation in Washington state, students at Van Asselt Elementary on Seattle’s Beacon Hill now dine on locally grown fruits and vegetables every afternoon as a delicious, healthy snack. The school received a $29,248 grant to buy produce from local farmers for the students, including a high number who are low income.

The Tilth Producers of Washington sponsored a celebratory kickoff event, where the children not only enjoyed local produce but also heard from a legislator and farmer about where the food is coming from and why they’re receiving the tasty treats.

Also in this issue

The value of organic certification

All natural? Non-GMO? No antibiotics or hormones? Aren’t they just as good as certified organic, just a little less costly? No doubt, when buying food the savvy shopper faces a dizzying array of labels and choices. Feeding the family never has been so complex.

Insights by Goldie: Watchdogging organic standards and the devilish details

Each time a revision of a guideline, rule or other regulatory action is proposed by federal agencies — including the Department of Agriculture (USDA) or Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — it’s published in the Federal Register. The clock immediately begins ticking against whatever deadline is stated for the public to file any comments or raise objections, the public’s only opportunity.

Your co-op, January 2009

Talk to the Board, Board meeting report, 2009 board candidate slate, and more