2015 Annual Report: Year in review
PCC Cooks
In 2015, this popular program expanded to a four-quarter schedule, offering more than 1,500 classes to nearly 21,000 students. A new nutrition-focused category called “To Your Health” provides an array of educational classes and custom cooking classes are available too.
PCC Farmland Trust
Founded by PCC Natural Markets in 1999, PCC Farmland Trust is dedicated to conserving organic farmlands in Washington State. By year-end, the trust had conserved 17 farm properties, totaling 1,662 acres.
PCC Food Bank Program
PCC’s oldest community outreach program used almost $126,000 in shopper donations to purchase 55 tons of nutritious bulk food in 2015. This food was then repackaged by more than 983 volunteers for distribution to 12 partner food banks.
PCC Scrip
Each time money is applied to a PCC Scrip card, the community partner tied to the card earns five percent of the amount. The PCC Scrip program supported more than 200 school and nonprofit partners in 2015, giving back more than $250,000.
Families Helping Families
Since 2013, PCC has joined forces with Seattle Children’s to support children’s health programs. During the entire month of May, PCC donates five percent of PCC Kid Picks product sales (up to $10,000) to assist with nutrition outreach.
Farm to School Bagged Apple Program
For three years, PCC has partnered with Organically Grown Company and Seattle Tilth to raise money for farm-to-school educational programs through the sale of specially marked organic bagged apples. To date, over $120,000 has been donated.