2015 was an exciting year for our co-op as we welcomed a new CEO, Cate Hardy, who took the helm early in the year. Your board and CEO have together been focused on ensuring our co-op remains healthy and successful in the future. To that end, much time and effort has been spent discussing and considering sustainable growth plans for PCC — including plans to open a new store in Bothell in 2016.
We are delighted by how well the much-anticipated Columbia City store has been received and we are so grateful to our members, shoppers and talented staff who have made that — and our other stores — thrive. PCC reached a meaningful milestone during 2015 with more than $250 million in annual sales achieved!
The board’s Bylaws Task Force worked diligently throughout the year to carefully review and make substantive revisions to PCC’s Bylaws, which are subject to approval by PCC’s membership. We believe the revised Bylaws will help ensure our co-op continues on its path toward a healthy, robust future.
Your board continued its support of the PCC Farmland Trust, and it strengthened relationships with other co-ops, both locally and nationally. Five trustees attended the annual Consumer Cooperative Management Association conference where they learned from and shared ideas with the leadership of other co-ops.
Your Board of Trustees is committed to ensuring a bright, values-driven future for our co-op. With your continued support, PCC is well positioned for future success.
Julianne Lamsek,
Chair, PCC Board of Trustees